robroe;312512 Wrote: 
> Hi,
> I've been using your skin/plugin for quite a while now and I recently
> upgraded to the 0.4 version, and wow, it's even sexier than before :)
> I do have one quick question, I have RTFM but I couldn't find the
> answer to this question. How do I get out of the plugin view and back
> to the standard now playing view? I tried the back arrow but I think
> that went back to the playlist view? 
> I think I tried swiping too but my fat fingers must have pressed the
> wrong bit as it cleared down the playlist or started a new mix or
> something :) 
> I imagine I am just being really stupid, thanks for your help,
> Rob

Swipe is correct. What you have to do is "scroll left". You will not be
able to scroll far (only two pixels, to be exact) but the rest will
happen automatically.

This will be more transparent on the next version. You should really
look forward to that one.
Coming July 11th ;-)


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