bpa;327244 Wrote: 
> To play theMP3 stream through squeezecenter requires the following:
> 1. If user is not UK based - a UK proxy to handle a subset of bbc.co.uk
> addresses. This probably violates terms of use with BBC. 
> 2. A copy of mozilla plugin for Flashplayer for your platform 
> 3. A mozilla Plugin wrapper which can be used to set up stream decode
> and direct to a false audio output which can be captured. Currently the
> only wrapper (NSPLUGINWRAPPER) that could work is only available on
> Linux using ALSA.  This will violate Adobe terms of use.

thinking about this, perhaps we should ask the bbc really nicely if
they could provide some pre-compiled binary command-line programs for
the common platforms that take an iplayer URL as an argument and then
chuck the audio stream to stdout so we could call this binary instead
of mplayer and life would be good (provided you're in the UK)?


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