2008/8/8 cybersnoop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Rescanning for more than an hour (due to 7.01 --> 7.2 upgrade on a
> slowish epia box) gives:
> [image: http://i38.tinypic.com/e84c8x.png]

Yes, I've noticed that.. Seems to be a server/CLI bug as the bit in the brackets
is just a string (totaltime) returned via the "rescanprogress" CLI.

Looking at the code in Queries.pm:
                # report it
                my $hrs  = int($total_time / 3600);
                my $mins = int(($total_time - $hrs * 60)/60);
                my $sec  = $total_time - 3600 * $hrs - 60 * $mins;
                $request->addResult('totaltime', sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hrs,
$mins, $sec));

Could be an operator precedence thing, ie:
                my $mins = int(($total_time - ($hrs * 60))/60);
                my $sec  = $total_time - ((3600 * $hrs) + (60 * $mins));


- Dr Lovegrove
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