>What is the reason that you don't think it's easy to maintain the
>genres in SQL Playlist ?
>Is it because you are going to want to exclude the same genres in
>several playlists ?
Yes, probably.  Quite often I want to use dynamic playlists without any 
built-in genre filtering, and then depending on my mood, choose the genres to 
Eg. not ambient in the morning (not good as an alarm clock), but in the evening 
I want to play ambient and not heavy metal!

That's why I thought CustomSkip could be good - I could have a skip filter set 
including several genres, and another set including other genres, and quickly 
flick between them when deciding to play random songs not played, for example.

Including several genres, or excluding several genres though I thought would be 
slow to set up, and not very efficient in terms of performance.

I thought perhaps a library filter (include/exclude all tracks in a certain 
library), or folder path filter may be easier and perform better.

>By the way, your SQL doesn't just return non rated tracks it also
>limits the tracks returned to those that haven't been played the last 3
I purposely included that bit when I copied an example query, sounded like a 
good idea to avoid duplicates from playing.  However, with a large set of songs 
to play, it's not going to happen often, so I will remove that bit.

>An additional change you can try if you use this in a new 7.1 release,
>is that you could replace "track_statistics" with "tracks_persistent"
>and join using tracks_persistent.track instead.
Thanks - I'll give that a go.

>I've been thinking of adding a path skipping filter in Custom Skip, but
>the problem is that it is a lot of work because then I would need to be
>able to enter text through the player interface when creating the
>filter which is something I don't do today. 
I see no harm in creating some web-UI only filters, and could possibly extend 
to player UI in the future.  Isn't there a generic text input player UI control 
that could be re-used?  If not, I pinched the text input code a long time ago 
from the Save Playlist plugin, to perform Save Playlist within PlaylistMan 
plugin, so it's quite easy to do.

I have got some multi-libraries set up, including one purely for my podcasts.  
However, I haven't got one that separates ambient music from electronic music, 
and one that separates studio albums from live albums.  i.e. at times I need to 
slice by music library up in different ways.  I don't want too many 
multi-libraries, as it has an overhead?

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