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Question: Why do you use Custom Browse ?
- I need to be able to browse multiple libraries
- I need to be able to browse composers or conductors separately
- I need it to be able to filter the contents of albums, artists or
  genres menus
- I need an itermediate A-Z menu before showing artists or albums for
  a specific letter
- I need to be able to browse custom tags
- The standard browse menus can't be configured as I like them
- I need to be able to browse decades
- I need more flexible browse menus to browse classical or jazz music
- I use it because it exists but the standard browse menus works good
- Some other reason

I use some of the menus exposed by its integration with other plugins
such as browse by Trackstat rating or the Last.FM similar artists.

MillmoorRon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6413
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=58894

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