pnam;440335 Wrote: 
> Cover flow would make iPeng perfect. To be fair, it's already almost
> perfect and 10x better than the dreaded Controller.

I never understand why people malign the controller.  I actually prefer
it to iPeng.  Don't get me wrong, iPeng is nice, but I find the
controller quicker to get started, and just as easy to use.  iPeng has
some issues beyond a couple of players, for instance.

Plus, iPeng is on my phone, and I'm not sure where my phone is at any
point ;-)  The controller's there in the charger.



See my plugins at
The Synchronizer, GrabPlaylist, ResetVolume, and RemovePlayedSongs
SqueezeBox 2 -> Rotel RSX-1056 -> Totem Acoustic Dreamcatchers
SqueezeBox 3 -> Rotel RX-1052 -> Vandersteen 1B's
SqueezeBox 1 -> AudioEngine A2's
SqueezeBox Boom x 2
SliMP3 -> Retired
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