mherger wrote: 
> Great! Is it available in the latest version of your skin yet?
Just finished including the album review as well, so I'll release a new
version soon.
Two minor issues:
- line 347 likely should be:

  $args = _getAlbumFromAlbumId($request->getParam('album_id'));

- in one album review, I get this cover url:
/images/no_image/album_300x300.png (which results in a 404)
Any idea where this comes from?

> Probably easier than replacing the tag might be putting it in a well  
> defined container, for which you apply its own set of styles?
It is in a defined container (ext panel) already, but honestly, defining
my own css instead of the standard ext x-html and applying it is a lot
more hassle than a simple .replace(/h4>/gm, "i>")
(although it arguably would be more elegant)

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