Album menu Write tags option works in background rather than tie up UI -
shows progress on menu bar.
Add "Default Player" as a player option - here Muso will merely invoke
the Windows default action for a filetype, so in order to queue a track
rather than play it, this must be achieved by configuring the windows
default action appropriately. Muso will not provide any player or
playlist controls, and will not receive any feedback information. NB. It
must first be turned on in Options / Players.

Persist mru & equivalences in MusoSettings to ease migration to 2.5
Don't persist zero PDFs/Images in Album entity, so will retry each

Upgrade to VS2013 build environment, .NET 4.5.1
Drop Winamp support
Available via Clickonce deployment rather than .msi
Moved muso2.ini to C:\ProgramData
New Diagnostics option on top right of main window, carries over to
/restart, /remote etc. Appends on each run until turned off.
Make latest CSS capabilities possible in themes via meta tag <meta
http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=1" />
Embedded player support - based on Windows Media Player engine.
- for FLAC support install the codecs at
Dropped MySQL Support for LMS.
Calculate album plays as total track plays divided by number of tracks
Allow rating at album level - on album page (rates all tracks, only
visible if track ratings all the same)
Faster Tag-based export.
Order of tags on export fixed.
Import log logs each folder scanned.

Option to Auto-Start Remote minimized (which has been the default til
now, but if you turn this off and still auto-start the remote it will
start with the full UI open).
Prevent error on startup if Windows Media Player uninstalled (used for
embedded player).
Minor fixes & enhancements to beta.

Fix catalog generation
Fix enabling of hqplayer options.
Prevent splash screen if its about to restart with /remote
Use original album keys to ease switching between Beta & Standard.
On album cover tag search use first picture of any type if there's none
marked as the Front Cover.
Use faster grid grouper.

Put timeline back on NP view
Smoother left panel auto-hide.

2.5 now the official NON-BETA version. 2.3.x becomes the legacy version
for Windows XP (critical bug fix mode only)
Add licence agreement acceptance dialog on first run.

muso developer
jezbo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9888
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=81685

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