The maven artifacts are in the central repo under the groupId org.apache.portals.pluto

I don't think there is docs on embedding Pluto 2. I'm working on doing this in uPortal right now and just feeling my way through it though it helps that I did the same work for 1.1 and it isn't that much different.


On 05/28/2010 11:03 AM, Paul Hunnisett wrote:
I've scoured the docs on the Pluto website, but I can't find any documentation regarding how I might embed pluto 2 in my portal - apart from one page which tells me which jars I should have.

Does anyone know of a location for this documentation? I've found loads for pluto 1.x, but the FAQ tells me that 1.x is no longer maintained and shouldn't be used...

Also, is anyone aware of any Maven repositories containing Maven 2.x libraries? Again, I can only find 1.x

Thanks for the help!



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