Hi Catalin,


On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 08:17:43PM +0100, Catalin Petrescu wrote:

> for me the steps to reproduce are start nfacctd with the kafka plugin ,
> don't create any topic in kafka . This triggers nfacctd to create "acct"
> topic and the following error in log:
>  Connection failed to Kafka: p_kafka_check_outq_len()
> Jul 28 20:05:02 ERROR ( test/kafka ): Connection failed to Kafka:
> p_kafka_close()
> Firts interval there is no data in kafka , assume it's because of above.
> Second interval (5m in this case) i have data.

This i was able to reproduce and fix, see below:


> Stop nfacctd , create pmacct1 topic using ( ./kafka-topics.sh --create
> --topic pmacct1 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --zookeeper localhost
> ). Start nfacctd , data is updated to acct rather than pmacct1.
> hope this helps. let me know if you need more info.

I gave this a try and i'm failing to reproduce it (even before applying
the aforementioned fix). To me this seems to work just fine.


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