
I've setup pmacct with pfring and mysql. Works well :)
Now I'm looking at classification ! I've installed the RegEx of 
L7-filter but pmacct return me some error on starting

appliance:/usr/src/pmacct-0.11.4# pmacctd -f /etc/pmacctd.conf
ERROR: Protocol name in /etc/pmacct/classifiers//battlefield1942.pat too 
long. A maximum of 16 chars is allowed.
ERROR: Protocol name in /etc/pmacct/classifiers//battlefield2142.pat too 
long. A maximum of 16 chars is allowed.
ERROR: Protocol name in 
/etc/pmacct/classifiers//counterstrike-source.pat too long. A maximum of 
16 chars is allowed.
ERROR: Protocol name in /etc/pmacct/classifiers//dayofdefeat-source.pat 
too long. A maximum of 16 chars is allowed.
ERROR: Protocol name in 
/etc/pmacct/classifiers//halflife2-deathmatch.pat too long. A maximum of 
16 chars is allowed.
ERROR: Protocol name in /etc/pmacct/classifiers//msn-filetransfer.pat 
too long. A maximum of 16 chars is allowed.
<3>Regexp: unmatched ()
ERROR: Failed compiling regular expression for protocol 'skypeout'
ERROR: Protocol name in /etc/pmacct/classifiers//worldofwarcraft.pat too 
long. A maximum of 16 chars is allowed.
INFO ( default/mysql ): 2097152 bytes are available to address shared 
memory segment; buffer size is 100 bytes.
INFO ( default/mysql ): Trying to allocate a shared memory segment of 
52428800 bytes.
OK ( default/core ): link type is: 1

What are the solutions to classify traffic based on port  like mysql, 
ftp ...
Of course in the database (v7) I've src_port and dst_port but I  mean 
how it possible to fill class_id  field based on these ports

We think to work on a PHP Zend Framework interface  for pmacct and 
surely we will include data from geoip


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