I have a relatively simple configuration I'm testing out:

plugins: mongodb[all]

aggregate[all]: dst_host
mongo_table[all]: nfacctd_whk.hist_%Y_%m_%d
mongo_host[all]: e.f.g.h

That's a very highly simplified version of my final goal (I really want nearly 1:1 packets into mongodb records eventually)

This mostly works, with the exception that the variables in mongo_table are not properly substituted. Records get put into the collection "hist_1969_12_31". This is obviously something getting set to unixtime 0. nfacctd_time_new appears to exist for the purpose where my netflow sender is not setting the proper date/time headers (which, actually, I don't think is the case here) but even setting nfacctd_time_new: true does not fix the issue. The collection is still created with the wrong date.

If I include timestamp_start, timestamp_end in the aggregate definition, the timestamps do appear correct in the resulting mongodb entries.

    "_id" : ObjectId("529ade3f70fd695100000013"),
    "ip_dst" : "i.j.k.l",
    "timestamp_start" : Timestamp(1385881117, 160000000),
    "timestamp_end" : Timestamp(1385881117, 160000000),
    "packets" : NumberLong(1),
    "bytes" : NumberLong(52)

I am running:
NetFlow Accounting Daemon, nfacctd 1.5.0rc1 (20130829-00)

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