
pmacct is a small set of passive network monitoring tools to account,
classify, aggregate, replicate and export IPv4 and IPv6 traffic; a
pluggable architecture allows to store collected data into memory
tables, RDBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite), noSQL databases (MongoDB,
BerkeleyDB) AMQP message exchanges (RabbitMQ) and flat-files and export
through NetFlow or sFlow protocols to remote collectors. pmacct offers
customizable historical data breakdown, BGP and IGP correlation, GeoIP
lookups, sampling and renormalization, filtering, tagging and triggers.
Libpcap, Linux Netlink/ULOG, sFlow v2/v4/v5, NetFlow v5/v8/v9 and IPFIX
are supported. Replication of incoming NetFlow and sFlow datagrams is
also available. Statistics can be easily exported to tools like RRDtool,
Net-SNMP, MRTG, GNUPlot and Cacti.



+ nfacctd: introduced support for variable-length IPFIX fields for custom-
  defined aggregation primitives: 'string' semantics is supported and
  maximum expected length of the field should be specified as 'len'
  primitive definition. Also PENs are now supported: field_type can be
  <value> or <PEN>:<value>. Finally, 'raw' semantics to print raw data,
  fixed or variable length in hex format was added.
+ pmacctd, uacctd: introducing custom-defined aggregation primitives in
  libpcap and ULOG daemons. A new 'packet_ptr' keyword is supported in the
  aggregate_primitives map for the task: it defines the base pointer in the
  packet where to read the primitive value; intuitively, this is to be used
  in conjunction with 'len'. The supported syntax is: <layer>:[<protocol
  value>]+[<offset>]. 'layer' keys  are: 'packet', 'mac', 'vlan', 'mpls',
 'l3', 'l4', 'payload'. Examples are provided in 'examples/primitives.lst'.
+ nfacctd: introduced pro rating algorithm if sql_history is enabled and
  nfacctd_time_new is disabled. Although ideal, the feature is disabled
  by default for now and can be enabled by setting nfacctd_pro_rating to
  true. Given a NetFlow/IPFIX flow duration greater than time-bins size as
  configured by sql_history, bytes/packets counters are proportionally
  distributed across all time-bins spanned by the flow. Many thanks to
  Stefano Birmani for his support.
+ Introducing index_maps: enables indexing of maps to increase lookup speeds
  on large maps and/or sustained lookup rates. Indexes are automatically
  defined basing on structure and content of the map, up to a maximum of 8.
  Indexing of pre_tag_map, bgp_peer_src_as_map, flows_to_rd_map is supported.
+ BGP daemon: introduced bgp_daemon_interval and bgp_daemon_batch config
  directives: to prevent massive syncronization of BGP peers to contend
  resources, BGP sessions are accepted in batches: these define the time
  interval between any two batches and the amount of BGP peers in each batch
+ Introducing historical accounting offset (ie. sql_history_offset) to set
  an offset to timeslots basetime. If history is set to 30 mins (by default
  creating 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, etc. time-bins), with an offset of, say,
  900 seconds (so 15 mins) it will create 10:15, 10:45, 11:15, etc. time-
+ print, MongoDB, SQL plugins: improved placement of tuples in the correct
  table when historical accounting (ie. sql_history) and dynamic table
  names (ie. sql_table) features are both in use.
+ print, MongoDB, SQL plugins: dynamic file names (print plugin) and
  tables (MongoDB and SQL plugins) can now include $peer_src_ip, $tag and
  $tag2 variables: value is populated using the processed record value for
  peer_src_ip, tag, tag2 primitives respectively.
+ print plugin: introduced print_latest_file to point latest filename for
  print_output_file time-series. Until 1.5.0rc1 selection was automagic.
  But having introduced variable spool directory structures and primitives-
  related variables the existing basic scheme of producing pointers had to
  be phased-out.
+ IMT plugin: added EOF in the client-server communication so to detect
  uncompleted messages and print an error message. Thanks to Adam Jacob
  Muller for his proposal.
+ Introduced [nf|sf|pm]acctd_pipe size and bgp_daemon_pipe_size config
  directives to define the size of the kernel socket used read traffic data
  and for BGP messaging respectively.
+ pmacctd, uacctd: mpls_top_label, mpls_bottom_label and mpls_stack_depth
  primitives have been implemented.
+ pmacctd, uacctd: GTP tunnel handler now supports inspection of GTPv1.
+ pre_tag_map: results of evaluation of pre_tag_map, in case of a positive
  match, overrides any tags passed by nfprobe/sfprobe plugins via NetFlow/
  sFlow export.
+ pre_tag_map: stack keyword now supports logical or operator (A | B) in
  addition to sum (A + B).
+ pre_tag_map: introduced 'mpls_pw_id' keyword to match the signalled MPLS
  L2 VPNs Pseudowire ID. In NetFlow v9/IPFIX this is compared against IE
  #249; in sFlow v5 this is compared against vll_vc_id field, extended MPLS
  VC object.
+ Introduced log notifications facility: allows to note down specific log
  notifications have been sent so to prevent excessive repetitive output.
! fix, plugin_hooks.c: plugin_buffer_size variables are bumped to u_int64_t
! fix, plugin_hooks.c: improved protection of internal pmacct buffering
  (plugin_buffer_size, plugin_pipe_size) from inconsistencies: buffer is now
  also invalidated by the core process upon first writing into it. Thanks to
  Chris Wilson for his support.
! fix, plugin_hooks.c: a simple default value for plugin_pipe_size and
  plugin_buffer_size is now picked if none is supplied. This is to get
  around tricky estimates. 1.5.0rc1 release affected.
! fix, ll.c: ntohl() done against a char pointer instead of u_int32_t one
  in MPLS handler was causing incorrect parsing of labels. Thanks to Marco
  Marzetti for his support.
! fix, net_aggr.c: IPv6 networks debug messages now report correctly net
  and mask information. Also IPv6 prefix to peer source/destination ASN was
  crashing due to an incorrect pointer. Finally applying masks to IPv6
  addresses was not done correctly. Thanks to Brent Van Dussen for
  reporting the issue.
! fix, classifiers: slightly optimized search_class_id_status_table() and
  added warning message if the amount of classifiers exceeds configured
  number of classifier_table_num (by default 256).
! fix, pre_tag_map: if a JEQ can be resolved into multiple labels, stop to
  the first occurrence.
! fix, nfacctd, sfacctd: IPv6 was not being correctly reported due to a
  re-definition of NF9_FTYPE_IPV6. 1.5.0rc1 release affected. Thanks to
  Andrew Boey for reporting the issue.
! fix, nfacctd: when historical accounting is enabled, ie. sql_history, not
  assume anymore start and end timestamps to be of the same kind (ie. field
  type #150/#151, #152/#153, etc.).
! fix, BGP daemon: default BGP RouterID used if supplied bgp_daemon_ip is
  "" or "::"
! fix, BGP daemon: the socket opened to accept BGP peerings is restricted
  to che core process (ie. closed upon instantiating the plugins). Thanks
  to Olivier Benghozi for reporting the issue.
! fix, BGP daemon: memory leak detected accepting vpnv4 and vpnv6 routes.
  Thanks to Olivier Benghozi for his support solving the issue.
! fix, BGP daemon: compiling the package without IPv6 support and sending
  ipv6 AF was resulting in a buffer overrun. Thanks to Joel Krauska for his
  support resolving the issue.
! fix, IMT plugin: when gracefully exiting, ie. via a SIGINT signal, delete
  the pipe file in place for communicating with the pmacct IMT client tool.
! fix, print, MongoDB, AMQP plugins: saved_basetime variable initialized
  to basetime value. This prevents P_eval_historical_acct() to consume much
  resources during the first time-bin, if historical accounting is enabled
 (ie. print_history). 1.5.0rc1 release affected.
! fix, print, MongoDB and SQL plugins: purge function is escaped if there
  are no elements on the queue to process.
! fix, AMQP plugin: removed amqp_set_socket() call so to be able to compile
  against rabbitmq-c >= 0.4.1
! fix, MongoDB plugin: change of API between C driver version 0.8 and 0.7
  affected mongo_create_index(). MongoDB C driver version test introduced.
  Thanks to Maarten Bollen for reporting the issue.
! fix, print plugin: SEGV was received if no print_output_file is specified
  ie. print to standard output.
! fix, MongoDB: optimized usage of BSON objects array structure.
! fix, MongoDB plugin: brought a few numerical fields, ie. VLAN IDs, CoS,
  ToS, etc. to integer representation, ie. bson_append_int(), from string
  one, ie. bson_append_string(). Thanks to Job Snijders for his support.
! fix, MySQL plugin: improved catching condition of sql_multi_value set too
  little value. Thanks to Chris Wilson for reporting the issue.
! fix, nfprobe plugin: catch ENETUNREACH errors instead of bailing out.
  Patch is courtesy by Mike Jager.

Check UPGRADE document -- especially if using the 'print' plugin.


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