
I have a question - maybe somebody had a similar issue - I'm receiving
netflow from router (Juniper) - they are sampled 1:2000
After the traffic is recalculated by nfacctd - in comparision to statistics
received via snmp - I have strange values - in the lowest traffic level
snmp shows around 550Mbps - in the same time traffic calculated by nfacctd
is ~1.3Gbps - in max point - snmp is showing 6Gbps but nfacctd 3.9 Gbps
I understand that traffic is sampled so it won't be exactly at the same
level as counted by snmp - but isn't it too big difference ?
Instead of this - the characteristics of the traffic is correct - traffic
is growing in the same direction, traffic drops are present in the same
time etc. - only this traffic level..

This is conifguration from router - it's quite simple:
sampling {
    input {
        rate 2000;
        max-packets-per-second 7000;
    family inet {
        output {
            flow-server x.x.x.x {
                port x;
                autonomous-system-type origin;
                source-address x.x.x.x;
                version 5;

in nfacctd config file - I recalculate netflows like this:
sql_optimize_clauses: true
sql_dont_try_update: true
sql_multi_values: 1024000
sql_db: pmacct
sql_host: <host>
sql_passwd: <pass>
sql_table_version: 7
sql_table_type: bgp
sql_cache_entries: 256000
sql_preprocess: usrf=2000

>From this what I checked - the problem - for sure - is not in nfacctd,
netflow data received and recalculated by nfdump was almost the same -
maybe there is something different what I should change/modify to get
the traffic level little more accurate.

Thanks for response

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