Greetings, I'm currently running uacct 1.5.0.rc3:
! pmacctd configuration
daemonize: true
pidfile: /var/run/
syslog: daemon
uacctd_group: 8

aggregate[inbound]: dst_host
aggregate[outbound]: src_host
aggregate_filter[inbound]: dst net
aggregate_filter[outbound]: src net
plugins: mysql[inbound], mysql[outbound]
sql_table[inbound]: acct_v7_in
sql_table[outbound]: acct_v7_out

! storage methods
sql_host: private
sql_user: private
sql_db: private
sql_passwd: private
sql_refresh_time: 60
sql_table_version: 7
! accumulate values in each row for up to an hour
sql_history: 1h
sql_history_roundoff: h
! in case of emergency, log to this file
sql_recovery_logfile: /var/lib/pmacct/recovery_log

Now the issue i'm having is it is picking up on the traffic to the
internet, but not the inbound.
I suspect the issue is iptables is passing ulog at that point the wan
address and hence it's being filtered out.
Wondering if anyone knows of a workaround? I suspect that we might need
conntrack support in uacctd so we could do post_nat_src_host and
post_nat_dst_host instead of just dst_host.
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