
pmacct is a small set of passive network monitoring tools to account,
classify, aggregate, replicate and export IPv4 and IPv6 traffic; a
pluggable architecture allows to store collected data into memory
tables, RDBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite), noSQL databases (MongoDB,
BerkeleyDB) AMQP message exchanges (RabbitMQ) and flat-files and export
through NetFlow or sFlow protocols to remote collectors. pmacct offers
customizable historical data breakdown, BGP and IGP correlation, GeoIP
lookups, sampling and renormalization, filtering, tagging and triggers.
Libpcap, Linux Netlink/ULOG, sFlow v2/v4/v5, NetFlow v5/v8/v9 and IPFIX
are supported. Replication of incoming NetFlow and sFlow datagrams is
also available. Statistics can be easily exported to tools like RRDtool,
Net-SNMP, MRTG, GNUPlot and Cacti.



+ Introduced bgp_daemon_msglog_file config directive to enable streamed
  logging of BGP messages/events. Each log entry features a time reference,
  BGP peer IP address, event type and a sequence number (to order events
  when time reference is not granular enough). BGP UPDATE messages also
  contain full prefix and BGP attributes information. Example given in
  QUICKSTART file, chapter XIIf.
+ Introduced dump of BGP tables at regular time intervals. The filename,
  which can include variables, is set by bgp_table_dump_file directive.
  The output format, currently only JSON, can be set in future via the
  bgp_table_dump_output directive. The time interval between dumps can
  be set via the bgp_table_dump_refresh_time directive. Example given in
  QUICKSTART file, chapter XIIf.
+ Introduced support for internally variable-length primitives (likely
  candidates are strings). Introduced also the 'label' primitive which
  is a variable-length string equivalent of tag and tag2 primitives. Its
  value are set via a 'set_label' statement in a pre_tag_map (see examples/ If, ie. as a result of JEQ's in a pre_tag_map,
  multiple 'set_label' are applied, then default operation is append
  labels and separate by a comma.
+ pmacct project has been assigned PEN #43874. nfprobe plugin: tag, tag2,
  label primitives are now encoded in IPFIX making use of the pmacct PEN.
+ Ported preprocess feature to print, MongoDB and AMQP plugins. Preprocess
  allows to process aggregates (via a comma-separated list of conditionals
  and checks) while purging data to the backend thus resulting in a
  powerful selection tier. minp, minb, minf, minbpp, minppf checks have
  been currently ported. As a result of the porting a new set of config
  directives are added, ie. print_preprocess and print_preprocess_type.
+ print, MongoDB & AMQP plugins: if data (start/base) time is greater than
  commit time then place in pending queue and after purging event re-insert
  in cache. Concept ported from SQL plugins.
+ MySQL, PostgreSQL plugins: sql_locking_style now supports keyword "none"
  to disable locking. This method can help in certain cases, for example
  when grants over the whole database (requirement for "table" locking in
  MySQL) is not available.
+ util.c: open_logfile() now calls mkdir_multilevel() to allow building
  intermediate directory levels, if not existing. This brings all log
  files in line with capabilities of print_output_file directive.
+ Introduced [u|pm]acctd_flow_tcp_lifetime to defines how long a TCP flow
  could remain inactive. This is in addition to [u|pm]acctd_flow_lifetime
  that allows to define the same for generic, ie. non-TCP, flows. Thanks to
  Stathis Gkotsis for his support.
+ Introducing nfacctd_account_options: if set to true account for NetFlow/
  IPFIX option records as well as flow ones. pre_tag_map offers sample_type
  value of 'option' now to split option data records from flow ones.
+ nfprobe plugin: support for custom-defined primitives has been introduced
  in line with other plugins. With such feature it will be possible to
  augment NetFlow v9/IPFIX records with custom fields (in IPFIX also PENs
  are supported).
+ Built a minimal API, for internal use only, around AMQP. Goal is to make
  re-use of the same AMQP structures for different purposes (logging, BGP
  daemon dumps, AMQP plugin, etc.).
! fix, BGP daemon: introduced bgp_peer_info_delete() to delete/free BGP
  info after a BGP peer disconnects.
! fix, print, AMQP, memory plguins: when selecting JSON output, jansson
  library json_decref() is used in place of free() to free up memory
  allocated by JSON objects. Using free() was originating memory leaks.
! fix, AMQP plugin: in line with other plugins QN (query number or in case
  of AMQP messagess number) in log messages now reflects the real number of
  messages sent to the RabbitMQ message exchange and not just all messages
  in the queue. Thanks to Gabriel Snook for reporting the issue.
! fix, IMT plugin: memory leak due to missed calls to free_extra_allocs()
  in case all extras.off_* were null. Thanks to Tim Jackson for his support
  resolving the issue.
! fix, pmacctd: if reading from a pcap_savefile, introduce a short usleep()
  after each buffer worth of data so to give time plugins to process/cache
! fix, SQL plugins: SQL handler types now include primitives registry index
! fix, print, AMQP & MongoDB plugins: added free() for empty_pcust allocs
! fix, plugin hooks: improved checks to prevent the last buffer on a pipe
  to plugins (plugin_pipe_size) could go partly out of bounds.
! fix, nfacctd: improved handling of IPFIX vlen records.
! fix, nfprobe: SEGV if custom primitives are defined but array structure
  is not allocated.
! fix, nfprobe: wrong length was calculated in IPv6 templates for fields
  with PEN != 0.
! fix, plugin_common.c: declared struct pkt_data in P_cache_insert_pending
  to be pointed by prim_ptrs. primptrs_set_all_from_chained_cache() is now
  safe if prim_ptrs is null.
! fix, nfprobe: tackled the case of coexisting 1) PEN and non-PEN custom
  primitives and 2) variable and fixed custom primitives.
! fix, plugin_common.c: declared struct pkt_data in P_cache_insert_pending
  to be pointed by prim_ptrs. primptrs_set_all_from_chained_cache() is now
  safe if prim_ptrs is null.
! fix, lofging: selected configuration file is now logged. cfg_file is passed
  through realpath() in order to always log the absolute path.
! fix, print, MongoDB & AMQP plugins: pm_setproctitle() invoked upon forking
  writer processes in alignment with SQL plugins.
! fix, pmacct client: it's now possible to query and wildcard on primitives
  internally allocated over what_to_count_2 registry.

See UPGRADE file.


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