
I just discovered yesterday pmacct by doing some google search and I wanted to 
give it a try.
Our scenario is pretty simple: We have a pair of Linux boxes receiving port 
mirrors from our network COREs which we use to generate netflows with nprobe 
and visualize them with nfsen and Kibana.

We replaced nprobe with pmacct and a very simple configuration:
daemonize: true
interface: eth2
aggregate: src_host, dst_host, src_port, dst_port, proto, tos
plugins: nfprobe
nfprobe_version: 9
pidfile: /var/run/pmacctd-eth2.pid
syslog: daemon

I'm so impressed with the performance, since it's being much less cpu-intensive 
than nprobe. But I've some doubts:

*         There is any way to configure thread number or something like this? 
I've enabled threads at compile time but I always see just 2 threads.

*         Can I configure which fields are being informed in the generated 
flow? By using pmacct instead nprobe I realize that I'm missing some fields, 
i.e. FIRST_SWITCHED and LAST_SWITCHED. I see how can I define flow aggregation 
and fields that can be used (-a) but not how to define which fields will be 
sent in the flow.

Thank you!,
Xavier Romero
pmacct-discussion mailing list

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