
I have set up a test capturing NF into a postgresql 8.4 DB. It seems to work OK but the writing to the DB seems to get far behind. I had one writer take 1.5 hours to sync. Any hints would be appreciated.

Apr 27 10:30:01 nfacctd[31907]: INFO ( default/pgsql ): *** Purging cache - START (PID: 31907) *** Apr 27 12:59:39 nfacctd[31907]: INFO ( default/pgsql ): *** Purging cache - END (PID: 31907,QN: 12482/32819, ET: 8978) ***

What does the ending information signify.

nfacctd config

daemonize: true
debug: false
pidfile: /var/run/nfacctd.pid
syslog: daemon
pre_tag_map: /root/my.pretag.map
nfacctd_disable_checks: true
nfacctd_time_new: false
aggregate: tag, src_host, dst_host, src_port, dst_port, proto, tos
plugin_pipe_size: 4096000
plugin_buffer_size: 4096
plugins: pgsql
sql_table: acct_v9
sql_data: typed
sql_db: pmacct
sql_passwd: arealsmartpwd
sql_user: pmacct
sql_refresh_time: 300
sql_optimize_clauses: true
sql_history: 1h
sql_history_roundoff: m
sql_recovery_logfile: /var/lib/pmacct/recovery_log
sql_table_version: 9
!sql_startup_delay: 900
sql_preprocess: qnum=1000, minp=5
imt_buckets: 65537
imt_mem_pools_size: 1024000
nfacctd_port: 2055


Anthony Rodriguez
Software Engineer I
Email: anthony.rodrig...@netwolves.com

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