Hi Aaron,

Interesting. Can you say what version is this? And if anything before
1.6.1 or (much preferrably) master code on GitHub - can you please try
and confirm you experience the same with any of these?


On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 07:03:15PM -0800, Aaron Finney wrote:
> Hello all,
> I promise I searched the archives exhaustively first...
> We are trying to separate external ingress/egress traffic using
> aggregate_filter (config below), but it's not working as expected. When we
> only have one of the sections active and  (xv_ext_in OR xv_ext_out) and
> comment out the other, we get exactly the data we expect - only external
> data and either to/from our networks. When we activate both in the config,
> we end up with a mix of both, but not exactly the same data. Any help would
> be greatly appreciated - thanks!
> Config:
> daemonize: false
> nfacctd_port: 2100
> nfacctd_net: netflow
> plugins: amqp[xv_ext_in], amqp[xv_ext_out]
> !
> amqp_exchange[xv_ext_in]: netflow-in
> amqp_exchange_type[xv_ext_in]: direct
> amqp_host[xv_ext_in]: localhost
> amqp_refresh_time[xv_ext_in]: 5
> amqp_user[xv_ext_in]: username
> amqp_passwd[xv_ext_in]: password
> aggregate[xv_ext_in]: peer_src_ip, src_as, dst_as, src_host, dst_host,
> src_port, dst_port, in_iface, out_iface, proto, sampling_rate
> aggregate_filter[xv_ext_in]: not (src net ( or
> or or and not net
> amqp_routing_key[xv_ext_in]: xv_in
> !
> amqp_exchange[xv_ext_out]: netflow-out
> amqp_exchange_type[xv_ext_out]: direct
> amqp_host[xv_ext_out]: localhost
> amqp_refresh_time[xv_ext_out]: 5
> amqp_user[xv_ext_out]: username
> amqp_passwd[xv_ext_out]: password
> aggregate[xv_ext_out]: peer_src_ip, src_as, dst_as, src_host, dst_host,
> src_port, dst_port, in_iface, out_iface, proto, sampling_rate
> aggregate_filter[xv_ext_out]: not (dst net ( or
> or or and not net
> amqp_routing_key[xv_ext_out]: xv_out

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