On Wed, Jan 17, 2007 at 03:53:53PM +1100, Kathryn Andersen wrote:
> One of my users has requested something that I know can't be done
> in standard PmWiki, and I don't think there are any (working non-alpha)
> plugins that can do this.
> A) Add a form to a normal wiki page, where they can type in the name of
> a file, click on a button, and directly upload a file, without having to
> go to another form on another page.

See, for example, http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Test/UploadForm .

I think that after performing the upload it returns to the
default "upload an attachment" page (as opposed to the view of
the existing page), but perhaps we can see about fixing this.

> B) the ability (with an enhanced attachlist?) to list all uploaded
> files that match a given pattern.

There are a number of features that people have wanted for 
(:attachlist:).  If we can develop a list of desired features,
perhaps I can get a basic implementation put together in the core
that others can flesh out.

> C) some way in the form in (A) to enforce that the destination file
> names start or end with a particular string.  

This isn't easily done in the form itself (because it could then
be spoofed), but it can be done from a local customization file.  
Would that be sufficient?


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