
ForumX is a simple forum built with Fox and Input markup.
It saves each post on a separate page.
All posts on one topic share the same topic pagename, with a suffix
incremental number. An index page for each topic holds a trail of all
posts, to be used by pagelist to display the posts. The forum comes
with  a number of "system" pages, ready to be used.

* Ready setup with prebuild system pages.
* Easy copy of system pages to a different forum group.
* Guibuttons including smileys.
* Post count, topic count.
* Easy deletion of posts and topics by admin with foxdelete links
  and delete pattern set to delete empty pages.
* Warning error message if topic exists already.
* Preserving input text when errors occur.
* breakpage to display 20 posts per page (configurable),
  with link navigation.
* Styling with style classes, as CommentBoxPlus, with colour schemes
  supported by Triad, Gemini and Fixflow skins built-in.
* Access code to prevent robot spam.
* Honouring line breaks for friendlier posting.
* Directive posting disabled (default Fox feature), but enabled if
  logged in.

Please send your questions, comments, feedback and request!


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