Monday, April 30, 2007, 5:57:55 PM, Ben wrote:

> We deal with brand names every day, folks.  Acme appears to be a brand
> name (like Apple), while ZAP is clearly a product (like Macintosh).  Is
> that clear enough?  I think it might actually be more confusing if the
> recipe itself were called Acme, because then the product would be called
> by what we know to be a brand name... imagine if Ford released a model
> of car called the Ford!  Calling the recipe Acme ZAP would be clearer
> than the current convention of using the two names interchangeably.

IF Acme is a brand name, THEN I object of its cookbook page use as
brand promotion. I think cookbook pages are for describing or offering
solutions and extensions to PmWiki, which may otherwise not be covered
by PmWiki or its documentation. Extension modules as add-ons should
ideally be integrating well with PmWiki, observe some standards, don't
break too many other conventions or other modules if possible.

Clearly cookbook pages are not to promote brand names.

The concept of brand names is purely commercial, therefor I find Ben's
interpretation above a little confusing. As for Dan saying in this
thread that the "Acme" name can act as a red warning sign, I can only
take his remark as sarcasm and not serious.

The only parallel I can see between renaming the ZAP page to Acme is
that it aids promotion by putting it on top of the (alphabetic) pagelists
in the new cookbook by category index system.


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