On 4/30/07, Ben Stallings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I also fear [Dan's] doing his reputation more harm
> than good by repeatedly saying the recipe is unreliable and
> untrustworthy and something to be cautious of, when it is not

Wile E. Coyote has also been known as "Hard-Headipus Ravenus" and
"Overconfidentii Vulgaris"[1].  I haven't been following this whole
matter closely, but it seems like the shoe fits and Dan, to his
credit, is proudly wearing it.

I'm confident that Dan has made some effort to make ZAP safe, but
security concerns seem to have taken a back seat to adding Power!,
Features! and Extensibility!...  From my perspective this conclusion
has been easy to reach, but it may not be obvious to a new
WikiAdministrator that adding lots of power, features, and
extensibility also adds significant risk of vulnerability to their
Pmwiki site.

The Internet is a bizarre bazaar, and writing code safe enough to use
on a production web site is truly an art that even the most skilled
programmers find challenging.  The idea that someone without any
previous web programming experience could code something with all of
ZAPcme's capabilities and not introduce security holes is _highly_


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wile_Coyote#Mock_Latin_names_in_the_cartoons

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