
I'm new to PmWiki and am using PmWiki 2.1.27.

I'm experimenting with table formatting markup and want to put a table inside 
an UL (unordered list). With simple text paragraphs I would do this:

# begin PmWiki

* List item 1 - paragraph 1 \\\
List item 1 - paragraph 2

# end PmWiki

This keeps the second paragraph with the same indentation as the first one. I 
would expect to get the same with a table using markup like this:

# begin PmWiki

* List item 1 - paragraph 1 \\\
|| border=1
|| table || inside ||
|| list || item ||

# end PmWiki

... but it doesn't work since PmWiki produces this HTML:

# begin HTML

<li>List item 1 - paragraph 1 <br /><br />|| border=1
<table width='100%'>
<tr ><td  align='center'>table</td><td  align='center'>inside</td></tr>
<tr ><td  align='center'>list</td><td  align='center'>item</td></tr>

# end HTML

Is there any way to use markup and get the HTML I'm expecting? Like this:

# begin HTML

<li>List item 1 - paragraph 1 <br /><br />
<table border='1' >
<tr ><td  align='center'>table</td><td  align='center'>inside</td></tr>
<tr ><td  align='center'>list</td><td  align='center'>item</td></tr>

# end HTML

Thanks in advance,
Romulo A. Ceccon

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