Hi All

Although I've been subscribed to these mailing lists for several
years, I've not posted till now.  But I've got an odd problem, so am
curious if anyone had any ideas.

Some background first, I have a wiki farm that has many wikis in it.
They all use authuser to control editing or reading and editing.  This
has worked fine for me for several years, both on live server (GoDaddy
LAMP) and on my dev server (Ubuntu).  Recently authenticated sessions
stopped being retained page-to-page.  The issue is only on the dev
server, the live server is still fine.

This is best explained by an example...
1: Visit a page on a authenticate-to-read group, it asks for a
username and password.
2: Click edit and it asks for a username and password again.
3: Click save and it asks for a username and password again, twice.

It did not do this until recently, and only does this on the Ubuntu
dev server, not on the live server.

The stand-out suspect is that I updated Ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.04,
though I'm not sure why this might cause the issue.

Some things I've briefly looked into...
Cookies, they look ok to me.
Used "Live HTTP headers" and it looks normal there.
Cleared out the cache.
Tried different browsers, PCs and OSes and they are all the same.
Rebooted server and clients.

So, please, anyone have any ideas, thoughts or debug strategies?


ps. version numbers...
PmWiki: 2.2.0-beta67
Apache: 2.2.14
php: 5.3.2

Andy Gaskell
Head Designer and Developer
Software Systems: Open For Business
Skype: andy_at_ssofb
Office: 58 Mid Stocket Road, Aberdeen, AB15 5JB.
Limited company: SC347800

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