On http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/WikiStyles, I read

*Then, in an advanced table, you can have: (:cellnr:) %apply=row id=myid
bgcolor=pink% cell content*

However, I cannot get this to work with

(:cellnr:)%apply=row target=_blank%

as demonstrated on http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cda/Test

The target=_blank only applies to the hyperlinks that are on the same line
as the (:cellnr:) markup.

This is annoying when the cell is filled with user input (like a chat box):
if the cell contains newlines, the hyperlinks that are not on the first line
open in the current window.

Would someone have an idea how this could be achieved ?

Thank you in anticipation for your help.

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