United Press International


Poll: Jewish vote to remain with Dems

WASHINGTON, Aug 16, 2004 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- Three
out of four Jewish voters in the United States will vote for Sen. John
Kerry, D-Mass., in November, a poll released Monday indicated.

The survey by the National Jewish Democratic Council and the Solomon
Project found despite Republican attempts to win over Jewish voters,
respondents chose Kerry over President Bush 75 percent to 22 percent. This
is largely unchanged from the results during the 2000 election, when 76
percent of Jewish Americans voted for former Vice President Al Gore vs. 21
percent for Bush.

Moreover, the poll found support for Kerry to be rock solid. Nearly eight
out of 10 respondents said there was "no chance" they would vote for Bush,
while 52 percent of Bush supporters said the same of Kerry.

"These results indicate that after four years of President Bush, Karl
Rove, and various GOP operatives spending vast resources -- both time and
money -- in their effort to target the Jewish vote, they've clearly
failed," National Jewish Democratic Council Executive Director Ira N.
Forman said in a statement.

The findings were based on a poll conducted July 26-28 with 817 likely
Jewish voters and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percent.

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