Jews are not a race but the Arabs are antisemitic, anti-Christian, 
anti-Jewish, anti-atheist warmongers who would destroy the Jews AND YOU if 
they didn't fight back - which is what they have been doing since the 
Arabs were granted statehood in the Middle-East in their almost two dozen 
countries which were established for their ruling elites by the West, 
since the overthrow of the Ottoman Empire.


On Thu, 5 Jul 2007, Amy Hendrickson wrote:

> Whoever is interested in genetic pathways is welcome to their interest, 
> but the place where it becomes difficult is when genetics is used to 
> claim special priviledge: ie Israel-- When genetics determines whether 
> or not people can move to Israel, or whether you are a first class or 
> second class citizen within that state, we call it RACISM.
> Surely we should be at the point in our development as a species that we 
> have gotten past the claims of racial priviledge. We should acknowledge 
> that all people have equal rights and not support apartheid in any form.
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: adar
>  To:
>  Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 1:38 PM
>  Subject: [PNEWS-L] Jewish Genes
>  Jewish Genes
>  The studies come in the wake of the recent completion of the mapping of
>  the human genome. So much more knowledge is discoverable now since we can
>  read the genetic blueprint and correlate it with some heretofore
>  assumptions which turn out not to be entirely correct.
>  What is evident from these studies is that traditional assumptions are not
>  correct assumptions
>  Jews, Genes and Lost Tribe
>  Hillel Halkin wrote a fascinating essay on the genetic makup of the Jewish
>  people, which was published in Commentary, ("Wandering Jews-And Their
>  Genes" Volume: 110. Issue: 2. September 2000). In it, he analyzes several
>  recent genetic studies. I'll just touch on some of it but for a more
>  complete analysis I recommend that you read Halkin's articles and others
>  about genes and Jews.
>  The studies come in the wake of the recent completion of the mapping of
>  the human genome. So much more knowledge is discoverable now since we can
>  read the genetic blueprint and correlate it with some heretofore
>  assumptions which turn out not to be entirely correct.
>  One study attempted to trace the lineage of the kohanim (Eng: "priests") -
>  a title and class in Jewish tradition where those who were direct male
>  descendants of Moses and Aaron were given responsibility and obligations
>  to conduct important Jewish rites. What it showed in the study released in
>  1997 was a high correlation of the distinct priestly Y chromosome in those
>  claiming to be Kohanim (usually with identifying family names like Cohen,
>  Kohn, Kohen, Cohn, etc.) higher than with those who claimed to be Kohanim
>  than those who did not. The study was conducted by scientists from the U
>  of Arizona, Haifa Technion and genetic anthropology department at
>  University College, London. It found that only 3-5% of all male Jews have
>  the kohen-specific Y-chromosome haplotypes or DNA markers, and were
>  accurate to more than 50% for those who identified as Kohanim.
>  Another project which was fascinating was the study and research by a
>  London-Oxford University research team who looked at a black,
>  Bantu-speaking African tribe in South Africa and Zimbabwe, which are
>  called Lemba While today they are for the most part Christian, they have
>  an oral tradition which maintains Jewish practices, i.e. circumcision,
>  ritual slaughter, not eating pork, etc. and they claim to be descendants
>  of the Jews. Those claims have never been taken seriously by most
>  academics who studied them but now there was a test. for at least Jewish
>  priestly genes and the results were absolutely astounding.
>  For the 9 percent of the Lemba tribe who were tested, there were 2 to 3
>  times more Kohenite Y chromosomes (sometimes even higher) held by Lemba
>  than that held by OTHER Jewish populations. The Lemba were more priestly
>  that is than known Jews who were tested. And the study, it seems, would
>  also establish that these black Africans were of Jewish ancestry.
>  Another study which was presented at proceedings of the National Academy
>  of Science from an international collaboration of scientists which was led
>  by Michael Hammer of the University of Arizona and Batsheva Bonne-Tamir of
>  Tel Aviv University studied the more general Jewish profile of Y
>  chromosomes, instead of emphasizing the chromosomal link to Kohanim. Based
>  on genetic samples from seven Jewish population groups, which included:
>  Ashkenazi, Roman, North African, Kurdish, Near Eastern, Yemenite, and
>  Ethiopian (including 16 non-Jewish groups and including the Lemba).
>  Here are their conclusions:
>  With the exception of the Ethiopian Jews, ALL Jewish samples from the
>  study show a high genetic "Jewish" Y-chromosome correlation. It
>  demonstrated that Jewish males of Russian and Polish ancestry have a
>  Y-chromosome profile which more closely resembles (more like) Moroccan,
>  Kurdish, and Iraqi Jews than Russian and Polish NON-JEWS. Male Jews of
>  Yemenite ancestry are closer to Jews from Rome than to Muslims from Yemen.
>  So much for the Khazar conversion myth
>  Other conclusions were besides these Jewish groupings being closely
>  related to each other, they are also closer genetically (some
>  intermarriage or inter-breeding seemed obvious) to Palestinian Arabs,
>  Syrians and the Lebanese. We may be cousins after-all?
>  Hillel Halkin wrote of these studies: "In descending order after these
>  Middle Easterners, Ashkenazi Jews correlate best with Greeks and Turks;
>  then with Italians; then with Spaniards; then with Germans; then with
>  Austrians; and least of all with Russians. The Y chromosomes of
>  non-Ashkenazi Jews correlate best with Egyptians and Tunisians."
>  Lemba black Africans have Y-chromosome haplotypes more like Jews than they
>  are like sub-Saharan Africans which would indicate a closer ancestrial
>  relationship with Jews than other black Africans (or are other Jews more
>  like black (Lemba) Africans than other whites?).
>  What is evident from these studies is that traditional assumptions are not
>  correct assumptions and as Hillel writes:
>  "On the one hand, the existence of a kohenite Y chromosome traceable to a
>  single progenitor who lived near the supposed date of the Exodus supports,
>  if not the Bible's account of the priesthood's origins, at least the
>  antiquity of the institution and its hereditary nature. At a time when a
>  radical "biblical minimalism" denying the historicity of the entire
>  Pentateuch has been gaining ground among scholars, the kohenite Y
>  chromosome is thus a striking argument for a more conservative reading of
>  biblical texts."
>  and,
>  "On the other hand, there are the Lemba. Out of the blue, as it were--for
>  nowhere in any Jewish or non-Jewish source are they even hinted at--we
>  find an ethnic group near the southern tip of Africa with a genetic tie to
>  Jews elsewhere. Where did they come from? How did they get to be where
>  they are? If they lived totally apart from other Jews for hundreds or
>  thousands of years while retaining a distinct "Jewish" identity, can this
>  have happened in other places, too? Did the Jewish people have another,
>  "shadow" history, inhabited by groups that we know little or nothing
>  about?"
>  and,
>  "...the Hammer/Bonne-Tamir report would seem to corroborate the age-old
>  Jewish belief that, allowing for a relatively small increment of
>  proselytes throughout the ages, the Jewish people forms a biologically
>  close-knit family originally hailing from the Fertile Crescent and
>  Palestine. On the face of it, then, these findings refute various
>  "revisionist" theories proposing that, not only in remote regions like
>  Ethiopia and Yemen but even in such great Jewish population centers as
>  Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean basin, much or possibly most of the
>  Jewish community resulted from a massive conversion of non-Jews."
>  As to maintaining Jewish Peoplehood, the Proceedings of the National
>  Academy of Science state:
>  "Our results indicated a relatively minor contribution of European Y
>  chromosomes to the Ashkenazim.... If we assume 80 generations since the
>  founding of the Ashkenazi population, then the rate of admixture would be
>  (is less than) 0.5 percent (less than half of one percent) per
>  generation."
>  There is a very low rate of accretion through proselytization. And the
>  article correctly points out that small genetic input can have a big
>  influence in appearance so it should not be surprising that there are
>  physical differences and differences in appearance (that Ashkenazim tend
>  to look so different from non-Ashkenazim and some Ashkenazim have blond
>  hair and blue eyes), whereas there is great similarity and connectedness
>  in genes among the world's Jews.
>  The predominance of female converts to Judaism also influences appearance
>  but not the male Y-chromosome inheritability and Hillel does point out
>  that the Lemba do remain the enigma, about which we know very little. Lost
>  tribe theory, anyone?
>  And these are the facts.
>  Hank Roth
>  a/k/a TheGolem
>  Go to the source at:
>  for other links and resources
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