I just wanted to add another proposition for discussion which I have been 
thinking about and I am certain will become a major problem in the 
shake-out which comes when the U.S. departs from Iraq. Sure, we broke it 
and Colin would say, "We Own It." BUT the pressure is on to remove our 
troops from there and let this broken country repair itself. It can't do 
that and it won't. There are too many interested parties now. BUT the 
biggest problem may be for Israel. Some here, like Amy and Jude who can't 
think beyond their nose will not see this as a problem; they may see it as 
a solution. The problem is the political theater which was billed as a 
civil war, which wasn't, between HAMAS and FATAH. Fatah had 60,000 armed 
military in GAZA and multiple armed fortresses. HAMAS only had less than 
6,000 armed fighters, no armed fortresses and no money to speak of, except 
perhaps what they got from Iran. The order was given for Fatah to pull out 
and go to the West Bank. No one was killed and no one was wounded in the 
so-called civil war, because there was none. It was a sham and I don't 
believe for a minute that MOSAD and the CIA did not see what was really 

With a pull out from IRAQ, which I have been supporting, may be a 
mistake. You heard me. FATAH is just as much a terror organization as 
HAMAS but the U.S. pressured Israel to accept the PLO and a 
Palestinian state - even though FATAH swore and never changed their 
charter either, to destroy Israel. Both HAMAS and Fatah have the same 

With the U.S. out of Iraq there is a green light for Saudi Arabia, Iran, 
Syria and all the terror organizations which are funded by them to pounce 
on Israel. FATAH looks like the good guy and it is not and it has millions 
of dollars in U.S. arms. Olmart is a fool and should be replaced. They 
need another Sharon and they need one now.

I see religion as an impediment to reasonableness and do not support 
Judaism any more than I support the survival of Christianity or Islam, 
but Israel has a lot of innocent secularists who will be caught between 
the rock and the hard place.

I have to cut it short for now but you get my drift.

Will write more about this later.

I just want to say Israel is being betrayed by the U.S., the world, the 
left and the extremist right and unfortunately the only one it can really 
rely on is itself and those of us who see through the lies from the Arab 
propagandists and other supporters of terrorism, like Amy and Jude and 
others like them the world over.

Yes, it is a war for decency and for civilization.


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