Cooperative, my ass. My authority is Magnum 357.
And by the way, for most of the history of this planet, it always has 
been, whether an stone age spear or a 21st century missile.


On Tue, 10 Jul 2007, John wrote:

> Hank wrote:

> "That is wrong John. I own my property" :\you think (and say) so. Just 
> as the mouse owns that hole under your toilet where it lives. There is a 
> sequence in the Haggada which can be applied to 'ownership' (it is about 
> punishment, as far as I know) and at the end it is god with the final 
> one. Not the interim factors. I translate it to 'ownership' which 
> finally goes back to the originating nature and NOBODY can own nature 
> from which we sprang up and live. We can pretend and usurp. You own a 
> mountain? take it away. The Queen or other fictive potentate did not 
> 'own' it either to 'donate' it to anyone. Nor a bank.
> Practical world you say: comes with the killing. Is the killer who 
> killed most and last the real owner? Whom did the ancient Israelis take 
> the land from? They just came from the desert. Which (later) usurper 
> overrides the natural law? Did the present 'owner' MAKE that land? Just 
> questions, I put no consequence on them.
> Contribute to the cooperative, peaceful mutual living and that will make 
> a rightful living. Unfortunately I cannot tell that to both parties 
> because the 'other' one does not listen. Nor does this one. John

>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: (RESH)
>  To:
>  Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 2:35 PM
>  Subject: Re: [PNEWS-L] New Arab Nations
>  That is wrong John. I own my property. Technically I will cease owning it
>  when a sink hole opens up and swallows up everything on it. The Spanish
>  once owned it by land grand from the Queen. We don't borrow it. We own it
>  because we have legal fee simple to it. Philosophically, you are right,
>  but we don't live in a philosophical world, we live in a real world.
>  Israelis own the land they acquire by title from the world's legal body,
>  the League of Nations which granded the original Mandate which was
>  thwarted and subverted by the British and barely supported by the U.S. But
>  they especially own it by taking it after being attacked. They own it to
>  provide security for those who live on it and consider themselves
>  Israelis. That is what countries do. They own what they can defend. When
>  they can no longer defend it they will no longer own it. That must never
>  happen.
>  Hank
>  On Tue, 10 Jul 2007, John wrote:
>  > Hank:
>  > useful historic reminder - or new information.
>  > I object only to a minor expression you used:
>  > "...the territory does not belong to the Arabs..."
>  >
>  > NO "TERRITORY" belongs to anyone. Just as I cannot "Own" that 100+
>  > year old oaktree in my garden. People are living on terrains, lately
>  > do a dirty job to destroy nature on it, but nature cannot be 'owned'
>  > by temporary - yes - as you said (negatively): interlopers.
>  >
>  > And it cannot solve problems when several (2?)sides repeat one-sided
>  > aqrguments instead of working on eliminating the differences for a
>  > common good. This is not addressed to the Israeli part only. Alas,
>  > there is no "ARAB" forum to say it to them as well.
>  >
>  > Then there is the question of survival...
>  >
>  > John
>  >   From: adar
>  >   To:
>  >   Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 6:54 AM
>  >   Subject: [PNEWS-L] New Arab Nations
>  >
>  > >
>  >   And it was not unique in history nor in that time to create nations where
>  >   before there were none. More than 20 Arab countries were then, in that
>  >   time after the Turkish defeat, also created by the UN. But Muslims turned
>  >   down the offer of a division of territory so there could be two states,
>  >   one Palestinian and one Jewish because that would have meant Jews would 
> be
>  >   sovereign in an area which they all considered their pan-Arabia.
>  >
>  >   When Jews were expelled with the War of Independence, it was Jordan who
>  >   captured and held the West Bank for 19 years and it was Egypt which
>  >   captured and held on to Gaza. And Egypt and Jordan didn't want those
>  >   territories back when Israel offered it after the war of 67. Arab states
>  >   wanted to keep the "occupied" territories in limbo so they could continue
>  >   to use it as a political propaganda weapon against Israel, which they 
> have
>  >   very effectively done.
>  >
>  >   Just as with the refugee issue, the territories are greater value as
>  >   propaganda than it would have been for Egypt and Jordan to take it back.
>  >
>  >   Arabs who live there were never a government with rights of sovereignty.
>  >   The territories never belonged to anyone during the time the British held
>  >   them under the Mandate to administer the territory and following the
>  >   Ottoman defeat in WWI - not until Jordan and Egypt held the territories
>  >   and now Israel must decide what to do with it, as it has done recently
>  >   with Gaza.
>  >
>  >   Israel is not as an interloper, and the territory does not belong to the
>  >   Arabs but since 1967 it is "disputed" territory, the disposition of which
>  >   will eventually be decided if and when there is a peace treaty with the
>  >   Palestinian Authority who is said to represent the Arabs there.
>  >
>  >   MORE:
>  >
>  >
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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