Sorry John, there is no ethnic taxonomy for Palestinians. They are Arabs.


On Wed, 11 Jul 2007, John wrote:

> Facilitator:

> Is there a Kurdistan? do people call themselves Kurds? (I did not 
> mention Beludjistan, I don't know about "Beludjis"-) Geographical names 
> - even misnomers are not restricted by political terms and people call 
> themselves as they wish I don't argue "Palestine", I argue your argument 
> in unfounded cases which may shake up your credibility in well founded 
> cases as well

> John

>  ----- Original Message -----

>  From: Amy Hendrickson
>  To:
>  Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 10:08 AM
>  Subject: Re: [PNEWS-L] "Palestinians" to Amyh
>  [Facilitator's Note: As a courtesy, the fact is, there is NO Palestine. 
> There never was a Palestinian state. They can call themselves Martians if 
> they like but that doesn't make it so.
>    Hank Roth]
>  The people themselves call themselves Palestinian. They have elected a 
> Palestinian Parliament. There is world wide activism to support Palestinians.
>  You are clinging to a myth that is no longer believed, Laine
>    ----- Original Message -----
>    To:
>    Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 11:14 PM
>    Subject: [PNEWS-L] "Palestinians" to Amyh
>    Again with the Palestinians? If you tell a lie long enough folks will
>    believe it! Arabs ain't Palestinians. It's a myth started by Yasser
>    Arafat and his terror gang. The United Nations condenmed Israel dozens
>    of times, but never arab terrorists,or any other terrorists around the
>    world. ~Lainie~
>    ~*Lainie~*The StarGazer*~
>    My Astronomy Website:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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