Coveting Their Things

(like OIL)

When the first George Bush, who was just as much a butcher of lives and war 
criminal as his son, ordered the bombing of Baghdad it was not because Saddam 
Hussein persecuted his people and it wasn't because Hussein invaded Kuwait 
which Iraqis have always considered part of Iraq and was carved up by the 
British for colonial and political reasons. It was because George Bush was 
aware of the peak of oil and depletion and Iraq has oil.

With oil running out because there is a finite amount of it left we may not 
have to worry so much about man-made global warming from burning fossil fuel, 
if there is no fossil fuel to burn (whatever happens first).
If the predictions are correct global warming
will become much worse before all the oil is gone.

We're running out of oil but we're also running out of water. Global warming is 
drying up whole regions where before there was plush vegetation. There will be 
catastrophic consequences for impoverished populations.

We use more oil than the U.S. can continue to extract. And for that reason Iraq 
is important to George HW Bush and George W. Bush. They would say it is 
important to U.S. national security.

It is thought that there are oil reserves off the coast of North Korea which 
makes that area also interesting to the U.S. New oil is cheaper to extract but 
as we use it up it gets harder to get out of the ground and becomes more 
expensive so there is always a need to find more oil and control the oil that 
is already being extracted.


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