Zionism is Jewish Liberation from
  antisemites like AMY can't stand it.


Israeli rights on the land are greater, and in most instances more just than 
Arab claims, many of which were false. There are always grievances in war and 
there will be in this ongoing conflict. Zionism is a "Jewish Liberation 
Movement" to find safe haven on the land where many of the Jews were once 
expelled -- but some continued to live for 20 centuries or portions thereof. 
And Zionism was an attempt to provide justice to those who were denied justice, 
but also equity, and to liberate the Jews from oppression in Europe and 
elsewhere and to provide escape from persecution by tyranical Islamic 
governments. Zionism was to be liberation from antisemtism.

East Jerusalem was occupied by Jordan for 19 years and Jews were denied access 
to their homes in a city where Jews outnumbered Arabs from the time of the 
first census in 1840 onward? Who objected when Jews were expelled from Arab 
countries in the 1940s and banished from them forever and had their land and 
property stolen from them?
Israel Took in Millions of Refugees
(all of them Jewish which nobody else wanted)

Arab leaders encouraged Arabs to leave the territories, the West Bank and Gaza 
and Israel (Judea and Samara) but they refused to let them settle anywhere but 
the refugee camps (except for a few exceptions, like in Lebanon where there was 
a Christian majority)?

Jews bought bought overpriced land for settlements often from an absentee owner 
who sold the land to the Jewish National Fund at 5 and 10 times its value? Some 
disputes arose later over title but what constituted title to land, a tenant 
farmer who has no fee simple or the absentee owner who acquired the land from 
the Ottoman government or inherited it from their family? The tenant farmer 
moral claim to the land if the farmer lived on the land for generations but 
there was no legally valid title. In many instances the Jews paid twice. they 
paid off these claims anyway and when tenant farmers heard that the Jews were 
paying them off, they often filed multiple claims, but many never lived there 
at all. They were bogus and not justifiable nor real claims.

The Arabs (who call themselves "Palestinians") never occupied any area which 
was sovereign. There never has been a nation called Palestine. The cities where 
MOST of the Arabs live are autonomous because they have been granted that 
autonomy by the Israelis. Some of the land was only sparsely populated (both by 
Arabs and Jews).

They want it A L L L L L L L L

Many settlements are suburbs of major Israeli cities. MOST (70% of them) are 
the natural expansion and growth of Israeli cities but for the other 
settlements there have been offers to dismantle many of them and redraw the 
border for others and Arafat rejected the offers. It doesn't matter what the 
offers are; they are always rejected, before by Arafat and now by the new 
leadership because that is not what they want. The want it all.

Judea and Samaria are west of the Jordan and these Arabs already had their 
civil war in Jordan and lost, had their civil war in Judea and Samaria against 
the Jews and lost, had their civil war in Lebanon and lost and want the 
international community to hand them land where Jews live and have always lived 
for thousands of years.

MORE: http://pnews.org/ArT/ZioN/PLo.shtml

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