In Muslim countries, this movement is emerging, but very timidly, and it has a 
slim margin of maneuver. It has the uphill task of fighting for the repeal of 
religious laws and the introduction of a uniform civil code. So far, it tends 
to be constituted by a few individual feminists who are forced to be 
diplomatic, to compromise with fundamentalists, be they men or women. But they 
are trying to change the system, step by step, and it will take a very long 
time. People are not yet ready to do away with religious laws that impact upon 
every aspect of society, from education and health to the workplace and the 

For women's status to change, we also need enlightened leaders who believe in 
equality. In countries such as mine, women with a strong voice do not have the 
support of political leaders, whether they be men or women. Look at the 
countries in which women are in politics, or even heads of state. Does it 
follow that women in those countries are emancipated? Because of long-standing 
vested interests, such leaders continue to back measures that oppress women. 
They are not ideologically committed to changing these conditions. In South 
Asia, most of the women who become heads of state are religious, and like men, 
they adhere to the religious objectives of the Establishment. I am the victim 
of a country where the prime minister is a woman. Because I went one step too 
far in denouncing religion and the oppression that it keeps women under, I had 
to leave my country.

I have seen women oppose me when I talked about women's rights. They said 
straight out that God did not believe that women should have so many rights. 
And I have met men in my country who are against what is said in the religious 
scriptures and believe in equality between men and women. It does not depend on 
gender. It depends on one's conscience. Muslim women who are wearing the veil 
and glorifying their subservience are obviously not going to better the lives 
of the oppressed.

Until a society is not based on religion and women are considered equal to men 
before the law, I do not think that politics will advance the cause of women. 
In Western countries, women are educated, they are treated equally, they have 
access to jobs. In these conditions, their participation in politics has a 

Education, a secular feminist movement, and leaders-both men and 
women-committed to equality and justice. This is what it will take to change 
the dire conditions which too many women still face today. It will take a very 
long time, but we are here to work towards that end.

     Taslima Nasreen


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