Vainglorious Humans

Life is pretty lousy for most of the people on the planet. Do you think those 
who are miserable all their lives, who like many on this planet live like 
animals, scavenging for morsels of food and a card board box or piece of tin 
for shelter are as attached to their lives as much as we are? Do you think they 
would mind blowing themselves up if they thought in the after-life they would 
not be hungry? Surely this while not the primary reason for terrorism is 
certain motivation for some to volunteer to get out of this life.

"Despite pledges made at three major international conferences on food since 
1974, about 36 million people are still dying from hunger directly or 
indirectly every year, Jean Siegler, special rapporteur of the U.N. Commission 
on Human Rights, said Monday. Siegler, who authored the 15-page report, says 
that millions of people continue to suffer from hunger or are driven to early 
death from starvation and chronic nourishment." * Thalif Deen, Inter Press 
Service English News Wire; 10/29/2002 - "U.N. says rich nations fail pledge to 
end world hunger"

"Every seven seconds a child under 10 years of age dies from the direct or 
indirect effects of hunger. Malnutrition handicaps children for life -- brain 
cells do not develop, bodies are stunted, and blindness and diseases become 
rife." (Deen)

"All this happens, he says, in a world that already produces more than enough 
food to feed the global population. "Hunger is not a question of fate; hunger 
is the result of human action or inaction," he adds." (Deen)

Evolution is accepted by the most people and practically all scientists as much 
as theories can become fact when there is enough probability for it to be so 
and no other theory yet exists that would contradict it - so most of us accept 
that Charles Darwin was right and we are distant relatives of Lizards and more 
recent relatives of Chimpanzees.

Continued here:

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