Of course I have seen it. I stand by the preposition that there should be 
NO censorship on the InterNUT. Yes, sites have a right to limit what they 
pay on their sites and in their forums - because they pay for it, but as 
for access on the net. NO. I want access to Islamic terrorist sites also 
and I want the Anarchist Cookbook published and available to whoever wants 
it. I want everyone to have access to guns but I too will have my guns. I 
want a police which won't beat up on African-Americans because some cops 
are racist pigs. I want everything out in the open and I want legislatures 
to do their business in the sunshine. I don't want government secrets 
unless they are done in the conduct of investigating planned aggression 
and I don't want executive privilege (no exceptions).


On Mon, 23 Jul 2007, donnella whitacre wrote:

> have you seen this site hank? did you look at it? it is nothing but a hate 
> site. we may not be able to shut it down, but we can protest it and that is 
> our right.
>   as ian said were do you think this stuff is coming from? it is libel and 
> lies against israel and we do fight that don't we?
>  we have a right to point it out.
>  it may not shut down but we make people aware of it, that is our free speech 
> right and our constitutional right to have our say.
>  i protest on sites that are nothing but islamic hate sites, if people get to 
> racist in their posts  about any one i would proest it.
>  these sites spread lies and nothing else and feed these anti israeli nut 
> cases , not with facts but bull.
>  i don't mind real  honest debate but that isnt' what is happening there.
> adar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The day you and others, just like in China, can determine what is not
> allowed on the net is the day the InterNUT is dead.
> Hank
> On Mon, 23 Jul 2007, donnella whitacre wrote:
>> WE have a right to express our free speech and many of us believe that
>> site should be shut down, it isn't any thing but an anti semetic rag,
>> aimed at bringing israel down. if you don't think so, or don't want it
>> shu t down by all means don't sign the petition, don't protest it. the
>> majority will win i guess Bill Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> "Where does "Free Speech" stop? "
>>> Thomas Braun wrote:
>>> when it incites murder
>> And who is the arbiter of just when it's inciting enough to incite
>> murder? You?
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