This is very revealing.

This is so revealing. Everyone take notice. Religious Judaism is clearly 
as much a threat as Islamism. Martin's words speak voluminously about 
what they intend. It is no wonder there is a post-Zionist academic 
rebuttal which you have heard referred to as the "New Historians," though 
I prefer to call many of them honest and seekers of justice. Bob Martin 
says Zionism has never been about world domination. In the very next 
sentence(s) he says:

"Dominating a small part of the world, yes.  Scoff and mock all you want, 
we'll eventually have a commonwealth that stretches from the Nile to the 
Euphrates, including the Eastern part of Africa down to Ethiopia, and the 
entire land presently occupied by Islam.  Most of that land was 
historically Jewish from long before the advent of Islamic imperialism."

They have _secret_ books, (he says) not published anywhere else, he says. 
They are banned elsewhere. I don't know about these books he speaks of, 
but I have heard the radical right wing in Israel of which he is very much 
part of and there will never be peace nor reconciliation as long as they 
are a force to be reckoned with in Israel. The only hope for justice is 
for all of us who consider ourselves progressives to support the 
progressive left wing in Israel

Note, what he says about Peres and Rabin"

"Is this what you learned from Rabin and Peres?  Have you, like them,
secretly reverted to Islam (at least to the Islamic political agenda)?"

Both of these men were from the left, the Labor Party, and both advocated 
for peace - and that makes them traitors to the right wing religious 
wingnuts in Israel. He obviously also supports the assassination of Rabin, 
as most of the right does and will not bring themselves to condemn this 
despicable hate crime. Jews against Jews. Just like during the time of the 
Maccabeans. Yes, this is definitely deja vu all over again.

Thank you Bob for your honesty. You removed any doubt anyone could have 
about the right wing Israelis who unfortunately have too much influence 
but with the help of the left and an honest rebuttal and awareness you 
will be stopped and Israel will become a secular state with a constitution 
which guarantees human and civil rights for everyone, not just you 
Maccabean Jews.


  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 09:49:09 +0300
From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [PNEWS-L] PLEASE counter these lies


So that you understand the context of my comments, you should know that I
made Aliyah in April of 2004.  I suspect this doesn't mean much to you,
being that you appear to have become something of a shill for the
anti-Zionist pro-Islam crowd.  But Aliyah still means something very
important to me and to a few million other people.

I'm at least as well read on the subject of Zionism as an average Israeli.
Actually, maybe a little better read than an Israeli since I grew up in
America and had access to ideas and books that were banned here and are
still difficult to find.

*Unlike Xianity and Islamianity, Zionism has never been about world

Dominating a small part of the world, yes.  Scoff and mock all you want,
we'll eventually have a commonwealth that stretches from the Nile to the
Euphrates, including the Eastern part of Africa down to Ethiopia, and the
entire land presently occupied by Islam.  Most of that land was historically
Jewish from long before the advent of Islamic imperialism.

*Zionism is the opposite of Islamic imperialism.*

With Zionism has come a literal renewal of the land, and the emergence of a
strong and vibrant economy.  If Islam were capable of this, it would have
done so long long ago.  Islam is not capable of building such a culture.

I wonder... how is it that you've come to this point where you're eager to
use your knowledge and skills to undermine everything our ancestors worked
for since at least 138 c.e.?

It seems that you're not just content to undermine... you clearly delight
in crushing all sense of hope and purpose in those of us who've not
forgotten our history.

Is this what you learned from Rabin and Peres?  Have you, like them,
secretly reverted to Islam (at least to the Islamic political agenda)?


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