"Religious tribalism" is a wellspring of trouble. American 
sociologist Nathan Glazer propounded that ethnicity is the most powerful 
force in human events. Ethnic conflicts grow from differences in race, 
language, economics, locale, politics, culture and religion. Anything that 
divides people can spawn hostility, and religion is one of the strongest 
dividers. British anthropologist Desmond Morris , author of The Naked Ape, 
wrote in his 1977 book Manwatching, that religion is a "cultural isolating 
mechanism" because it "demands social separation from those who worship in 
a different manner. It creates sects and breeds sectarian violence."
         "Manwatching: A Field Guide to Human Behavior"
         (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1977), p. 149.

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