Israel Bends to Pressure from Obama to STOP war by Innauguration:

January 20, 2009
Israel has lost another war
By Edward Bernard Glick

     Those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.
      - Anonymous ancient proverb

Once again Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has proved that he is not 
formed from the same mold as Prime Ministers David Ben Gurion, Levi 
Eshkol, Golda Meir, Yitzchak Rabin, or Menachem Begin. Compared to those 
erstwhile giants, he is a political pigmy, easily frightened off by 
civilian casualties and by negative world opinion.

By announcing a unilateral cease fire, he has, as he did in the Second 
Lebanon War, in 2006, let Israel lose again and let the terrorists win 

Hamas won because it did not lose. It celebrated by firing rockets into 
Israel and warning that the ceasefire is contingent upon Israel's 
withdrawing all its troops from the Gaza Strip and opening all borders. 
Additionally, a Hamas spokesman proclaimed the  "right to bring arms in 
any way we find fit."

Debka, the Israeli internet publication, was correct when it predicted at 
the outset of Operation Cast Lead that Hamas was "counting on inflicting 
casualties that will mount up week after week and wear Israeli forces down 
until they are driven into an ignominious retreat." It was also correct 
when it quoted, after the operation had ended, an unnamed senior Israeli 
officer as saying "For this we didn't have to go o war."

Even after the Second Lebanon War, in 2006, Olmert and Company still don't 
get it. They still refuse to accept the truth of Prof. Fouad Ajami's 
observation that the Islamist "is never alone; the terrorist on the fringe 
of political life always works with the winks and nods of the society that 
gives him cover." They still cannot live guiltlessly with the reality that 
if the terrorists are killed in their beds, and if those beds are located 
next to the beds of Gaza civilians, that is the price that the latter have 
chosen to pay for aiding the terrorists within their midst.

There was a time when Arab terror was always met with immediate and 
effective Israeli retaliation -- in Hebrew the phrase is Teror v'Tagmul. 
There was a time when Israel gave notice to both friend and foe that, 
since the Holocaust, the era of unarmed Jews being killed with immunity 
and impunity was over. That was the time of "Never Again!"

Contrary to common belief, you defeat your enemies by using 
disproportionate force. You don't, as the Americans, Russians, and British 
demonstrated in the Second World War, defeat them with proportionate 
force, or with truces, cease fires, and time-outs to deliver humanitarian 
aid to enemy civilians.

Also contrary to common belief, you vanquish your enemies not by winning 
their hearts and their minds, but by crushing them so decisively that you 
break their will, and they finally acknowledge that they have been 
vanquished. Only after you have crushed them can you do something about 
their hearts, their minds, and their bellicosity.

The fact is that the Israelis will never be able to change their 
neighbors' attitudes. They will never be able to make the Arabs like or 
accept them. But by adopting the rules of their neighborhood, the Israelis 
can make the Arabs fear and respect them.

The first rule of the neighborhood is "War is a test of wills, not of 
weapons." At the beginning of Operation Cast Lead, a senior Israeli 
military officer said that the goal was to make "Hamas lose their will or 
lose their weapons." Israel has its ceasefire, but Hamas still has its 
will and enough weapons to matter.

The second rule is "Never let your fear of what others think cloud your 
judgment." By initiating the ceasefire, the Israelis have again allowed 
world public opinion to affect their judgment and dictate their actions.

And the third rule is "If you are afraid of taking or inflicting 
casualties, you will lose the zero-sum game that we play in the Middle 

The political and military lessons are clear: Israel must do what it must 
do, and do it well. No matter what it does, its friends will be its 
friends and its enemies will be its enemies. Most importantly, Israel must 
abandon its habit of letting existential enemies snatch victory from the 
jaws of defeat. Otherwise, it will cease to exist as a sovereign state. at 
January 21, 2009

American Thinker
Ed Glick

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