
H O M E - C R Y P T - L I N K S  - R S S -  F E E D -  B I O

Arab Violence

There is the popularized myth that Palestinian violence is a direct result of 
Israeli occupation and settlements in Judea and Samaria.

Palestinian militants, both FATAH and HAMAS are terrorists who direct their 
violence against civilians. They kill Jewish babies. These organizations did 
not come about because of Israeli occupation of Judea and Samaria.

These terrorist groups were founded when the Judea and Samaria ("West Bank" and 
"Gaza") were under the control of Arabs, not Israel. Yet, the Palestinians 
claim there would not be a need for what they call "defensive" operations if 
there was no occupation. This is just another false claim by Arabs since Israel 
did not occupy the West Bank or Gaza prior to 1967.

They hate the Jews and they want Israelis to get out of Israel. They want the 
Jews out of the Middle East. They want the Jews out of this world. And that 
wouldn't satisfy them. Even if there were no Jews left anywhere, they would 
still hate the Jews.

Israel's detractors are quick to blame Israel for killing Palestinian civilians 
and condemn its use of "targeted assassinations" against the leadership HAMAS, 
like it did with Salah Shehade and 14 others who were killed with him. The 
death of the planner of the murder of dozens of Jews is not the tragedy they 
make it out to be. At the time of his demise, Israeli intelligence reported he 
was "preparing six "mega-attacks" on Israeli civilians." (See "Beyond 
Occupation" 08-02-2002 in the Baltimore Jewish Times.

"In the Shehade attack, Israel quickly apologized for the other killings. They 
know war is deadly, but seek to minimize such mistakes, even to the extent of 
putting their own troops in harm's way. So there were no rallies celebrating 
success, no triumphant waving of machine guns -- such as in place in Arab lands 
after Israelis are massacred." (ibid)

"The Movement for the National Liberation of Palestine (FATAH), and its sister 
organizations, were not born after or as a result of the Six Day War and 
Israeli occupation of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. They came into existence some 
ten years earlier, when three quarters of a million Arabs in Samaria and Judea 
lived under Arab rule from Jordan and three hundred thousand lived in the Gaza 
Strip under Egyptian Arabic rule. They did not enjoy the independence which the 
Fatah propagandists claim to be the breath of life to them, and they seemed 
quite oblivious to its absence. For those nineteen years, there was no talk of 
independence nor any action to secure it. In those years as well, Israel was 
the target of Fatah's activities---Israel in its cramped partition borders. 
Then, too, Fatah acted in the name of the `Palestinian people'---presumably the 
Arab-ruled Arabs of Hebron and Jenin and Nablus as well as the Arabs of Haifa 
and Jaffa and Nazareth in Israel." (Samuel Katz, "Battleground..." 76)

"Fatah was not founded in Palestine. Throughout the years of non-Israel rule in 
Judea and Samaria, it did not have its headquarters there and did not conduct 
its operation from there. It was founded in Lebanon in the late 1950s. Its 
first official offices were opened in 1963 in Algiers, in a building placed at 
its disposal by the Algerian government. Compelled to leave Algeria because of 
internal Algerian frictions, it established new headquarters in Beirut. In 
mid-1965, Fatah headquarters were moved to Domascus, where they remained until 
the Six Day War." (ibid)

"Its leader, Yasser Arafat, its leader, was not uncharacteristic of Fatah 
membership. His claim to have been born in the Old City of Jerusalem may well 
be true. It is certain that he was brought up and educated in Egypt, after his 
parents had emigrated there from Palestine. They were not `refugees' of exiles, 
they had simply moved house in the 1920s, twenty years or more before the State 
of Israel came into existence. Arafat is said to have served in the Egyptian 
forces during the invasion of Palestine in 1948. He certainly qualified in 
Egypt as an engineer and worked there for some time. He moved ot a job in 
prosperous Kuwait and there began to agitate against Israel. Henceforward, his 
political activity dictated his mode of life. From Kuwait he went to live in 
Beirut, then in Algiers, then back in Beirut, and then in Damascus. Though he 
was a frquent traveler, in all the ninetten years of Jordanian Arab rule, he 
did not set foot, let alone try to live, still less naturalize his movement, in 
Judea or Samaria, not even in the city he claims as his birthplace. He gave 
Palestine and the people who lived there a wide berth." (ibid)

"Fatah operations against Israel, first launched in 1965, were planned in 
Syria. The fighters first crossed into Jordan or sometimes into Lebanon and 
from there infiltrated directly into Israel. All the attacks were hit-and-run 
raids on civilian targets, and seldom did they stray far from the border. For 
Fatah members could not expect shelter from the Palestinian Arabs, whether in 
Jordan-occupied Judea and Samaria or in Israel. With few exceptions, the 
`Palestinian people' were not involved at all, nor did they offer any 
substantial cooperation, even passive, in these operations." (ibid)

It was only after the governments in Israel, under great pressure from the 
United States made the concessions with Arafat and his henchmen, which made the 
current political conflict and Intifada what it became, not as a result of 
occupation, but a result of capitulation and U.S. pressure to surrender to 

Only under pressure from the United States did Israel turn the oil fields over 
to Egypt, it discovered and developed in the Sinai, which were enough to make 
Israel energy sufficient. Only after pressure from the United States did Israel 
pull back from every successful military defensive action and turn it into the 
defeat of constant vulnerability to terrorism and war. It is that kind of 
weakness Israel can not afford.

In return for the concessions made to Anwar Sadat for an unstable peace after 
the 1973 war, President Carter agreed to financially reward Israel with 
billions of dollars in aid each year which has always been renewed by the U.S. 
Congress. It was a deal which hardly seems worth it in retrospect.

These funds have insured a perilous partnership by the United States with the 
only democracy in the Middle-East and to compensate for the loss of the Sinai 
and Taba and some very strategic advantages, but the other cost has been the 
increased criticism from antisemites and anti-Zionists, both on the right and 
the left, and some regret and criticism from Israelis for giving up more than 
it should have.

Faisal Husseini was a lifelong advocate of violence against Jews and the 
destruction of Israel. Faisal Husseini was the nephew of Hajj Amin Husseini the 
Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. He was the Palestinian Nazi connection.. (Husseini 
died of a heart attack during a visit to Kuwait on 31 May 2001)

Praising the murder of two Jews, Faisal Husseini's comment after Palestinian 
Arab terrorists murdered two Jews, one of them a U.S. citizen:

"You are talking about an expression of our feeling about the occupation, I 
have no problem with the deed." (Faisal Husseini quoted in Jerusalem Post, Nov. 
6, 2000 - "Violent confrontation")

"We will forcefully open up our borders with Jordan and Egypt, which are 
currently controlled by the Israeli army. There will be violent confrontation 
and death, but this time on both sides. Are the Israelis more numerous and 
better equipped? Yes, but the superiority of us Palestinians lies in the fact 
that we are willing to lay down our lives, whereas for them every death is a 
tragedy that society cannot bear." (Faisal Husseini in Le Nouvel Observateur, 
Aug27 - Sept2, 1998, p.46)
"Destroy Israel in Stages"

Husseini told the Jordanian newspaper A-Ra'i on November 12, 1992:

"Our slogan of 'the present phase' is not 'from sea to the Jordan River'. We 
did not give up, and we will not give up, on any of the obligations to which we 
have been committed for more than seventy years. We have, in our Palestinian 
Arab society, the ability to struggle againt the divided Israeli society, which 
is characterized by conflicts that haunt it. Sooner or later, we will force 
Israeli society to join a larger society, that is, our Arab society, and we 
will thereby bring about the dissolving of the Zionist entity in stages."

"Palestine is from the Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea"

In an interview on Syrian Television on September 9, 1996, Hussein was asked 
what the boundaries of "Palestine" are. He replied:

"[A]ll Palestinians agree that the just boundaries of Palestine are the Jordan 
River and the Mediterranean Sea. Realistically, whatever can be obtained now 
should be accepted and that subsequent events perhaps in the next fifteen or 
twenty years would present an opportunity to realize the just boundaries of 
Palestine." (Israeli News Agency (IMRA) - Sept 9, 1996

"Tel Aviv is a Jewish settlement"

A map distributed by Faisal Husseini's Jerusalem-based Arab Studies Society 
lists Tel Aviv, Haifa, and all other Israeli cities within pre-1967 Israel as 
"Jewish settlements." (Jerusalem Post, March 29, 1995)

Asked in 1990 about Arab terrorists who had stabbed Israeli civilians, Husseini 

"The Israeli policeman is like a hunter in the jungle stalking Palestinian 
youths with his gun in order to kill them--this reality created a similar 
reaction in some angry Palestinian individuals." (Al Fajr, December 10, 1990)

In a speech in the Galilee village of Kufr Yasif in 1990, Hussein said 
regarding the PLO death squads that had tortured and murdered hundreds of 
Palestinian Arabs on suspicion of being friendly to Israel:

"The Palestinian people has the right to remove collaborators from its cleanse our ranks." (Ha'ir, January 12, 1990)

Husseini was asked by an interviewer about his uncle, the late Grand Mufti of 
Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini, who collaborated with the Nazis during the 
Holocaust and was indicted by Yugoslavia as a Nazi war criminal. Husseini's 
comment, "He was just a nationalist." (Los Angeles Jewish Journal, Aug 17 - 23, 

"Hatred of Israel as a Yardstick of Patriotism," by Fahmi Huwaidi "...It is 
proper that the call to hate Israel continue to be a medal worn on the chest of 
every Arab, and I repeat my position that it should be regarded as a 
measurement of patriotism and as a certificate of greatness and nobility. We 
are not oblivious to the grand reputation the singer Shaaban Abdul Rahim earned 
himself, and the [record] sales of his single hit declaring his hatred of 
Israel. These words of his brought about, from the depths of Egypt, the 
eruption of a volcano of hatred, abhorrence and bitterness that had been 
continuously accumulating for half a century..." (Palestinian Authority's 
official daily paper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida - (May 16, 2001)

"In the strict Islamic view, Israel is always the individual Jew in macrocosm. 
The Jewish State must be despised because of this relationship, because of the 
allegedly "innate evil" of each individual Jew. This is a very far cry from the 
view (accepted by supporters of the Oslo Process) that Israel is despised only 
because it is an "occupier." The Israeli is despised in the Islamic world 
because he is a Jew. Period." (Louis Rene Beres - Professor of International 
Law Department of Political Science - Purdue University)

"The first thing that we have to make clear is that no distinction must be made 
between the Jew and the Israeli....The Jew is a Jew, through the spurning all moral values, devouring the living and drinking 
his blood for the sake of a few coins. The Jew, the Merchant of Venice, does 
not differ from the killer of Deir Yasin or the killer of the camps. They are 
equal examples of human degradation. Let us therefore put aside such 
distinctions and talk about Jews." (Dr. Lufti Abd al-Azim, Al-Ahram)

"The Jews are always the same, every time and everywhere. They will not live 
save in darkness. They contrive their evils clandestinely. They fight only when 
they are hidden, because they are cowards....The Prophet enlightened us about 
the right way to treat them, and succeeded finally in crushing the plots that 
they had planned. We today must follow this way and purify Palestine from their 
filth." (Egyptian textbook, "Arab Islamic History" used in teacher training 
colleges in Egypt)

"The Islamic Movement was afflicted by the Jews from its very beginnings, when 
they began their hostile activity by distorting the reputation of Islam, and by 
defaming and maligning it. This has continued to the present day." And again, 
on the "Zionist Problem" as a mere manifestation of the underlying and 
all-important "Jewish Problem," (Dr. Yaha al-Rakhawi remarked in Al-Ahram)

"...we are all - once again - face to face with the Jewish Problem, not just 
the Zionist Problem; and we must reassess all those studies which make a 
distinction between "The Jew" and "The Israeli"....and we must redefine the 
meaning of the word `Jew' so that we do not imagine that we are speaking of a 
divinely revealed religion, or a minority persecuted by mankind....we cannot 
help but see before us the figure of the great man Hitler, may God have mercy 
on him, who was the wisest of those who confronted this problem....and who out 
of compassion for humanity tried to exterminate every Jew, but despaired of 
curing this cancerous growth on the body of mankind." (Ayatollah Khomeini)

"We Palestinians will take over everything, including all of Jerusalem....All 
the rich Jews who will get compensation will travel to America....We of the PLO 
will now concentrate all our efforts on splitting Israel psychologically into 
two camps. Within five years we will have six to seven million Arabs living in 
the West Bank and in Jerusalem....You understand that we plan to eliminate the 
State of Israel and establish a purely Palestinian State....I have no use for 
Jews; they are and remain Jews." (Arafat, 96)

It is the BIG LIE that there is a "cycle of violence" and it is a direct result 
of Israel's military attacks on Palestinians.

Everyone knows there is no Israeli cycle of violence against Palestinians. If 
the Palestinians stopped their suicide bombings and their rocket attacks, all 
of the violence would stop. If Israelis stopped using their military, no one 
seriously believes suicide bombings would cease.

Under continued pressure from the United States on Israel to capitulate to 
terrorists by rewarding them with a state on Israel's borders and with 
continued funding from Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia and previously from Iraq, the 
effort goes on to destroy the State of Israel to carry out terrorist bombings, 
rocket attacks, to murder Jewish babies and perpetrate other acts of terror 
against Jews.
Hank Roth
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Today is Tuesday February 17, 2009

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Hank Roth (on the Internet since 1982)
Worm Hole (Home) - The Crypt - Hank Roth (Bio)

While I don't use a standard blog (weblog software) mostly because I've been 
doing this too long - having been there with Ike when the precursor to the 
Internet, Arpanet got started and every step of the way since, I can't get into 
all the many fads over the years (now it is social networking), but I have been 
an observer and participant in events which shape the world since my time with 
NSA and with Army Security and as a voice security cryptologist in the White 
House for the President, and the War Room at the Pentagon for the Chairman of 
the Chiefs of Staff plus two wars. You could say this site is one of the better 
kept secrets [grin] on the InterNUT. You are invited back as often as you would 
like to see what I and others, I trust, may be saying.
-- Hank Roth
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