"If we did not fear death, we might be too quick to kill ourselves when
troubled or inconvenienced and thus perish as a species. Belief in life's
importance may not be a relfection of reality, then, but an evolutionary
reinformed fantasy that prejudices believers to do what is necessary, bear
whatever burdens, to survive." (What is Life?
- Lynn Margulis & Dorion Sagan)

"Mind and body, perceiving and living, are edqually self-referring,
self-reflexive processes already present in the earlienst bacteria."

In the mind of nature there is self-incorporated not just what we want but
what we need, not just food and water and air to keep us alive but all
living things - that is, things which can replicate itself - (all
organisms) have perception. To survive all organisms must perceive itself,
to seek food and avoid danger; to survive and in humans with our larger
thinking brains we must have our fantasies, which we call MIND. It is
enjoined with that continuum of all life and perceiving - whether true or

Whereas, in truth there is no time nor space; there is only now.

  Hank Roth

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