Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Biden and Kerry put the screws to Israel at AIPAC

    Vice President Joe Biden and Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    Chairman John Kerry have used their speeches at the AIPAC conference
    to put the screws to Israel.

      Vice President Joe Biden and Democratic Senator John Kerry told the
      pro-Israel AIPAC lobby Tuesday that Israel must freeze all building
      in Judea and Samaria and make further concessions to the
      Palestinian Authority.

      Their speeches preceded by several hours a visit by President
      Shimon Peres to U.S. President Barack Obama, who has fulfilled his
      post-election commitment to "hit the ground running" in order to
      return Israel and the PA to the table for discussions on a new PA

      "You are not going to like my saying this but [do] not build more
      settlements, dismantle existing outposts and allow Palestinians
      freedom of movement," the vice president told the delegates.
      Both speeches represented an increasingly intense across-the-board
      campaign in the Obama government to force Prime Minister Binyamin
      Netanyahu to accept the "two-state solution."

    There is nothing in any agreement signed by Israel that requires it
    not to 'build settlements' and there is certainly nothing that
    prohibits it from expanding 'existing settlements.' Then-Prime
    Minister Ariel Sharon promised then-President George W. Bush that he
    would dismantle 'illegal outposts' that were built after 2001. But all
    obligations under the 'road map' as accepted by Israel are contingent
    upon the 'Palestinians' first dismantling all terror organizations,
    and of course that hasn't happened and is never likely to happen.
    Still, the uber-Leftist Obama administration pressures Israel to make
    more unilateral concessions.

    Of course, there probably weren't too many objections to Biden's and
    Kerry's pressure at AIPAC. After all, AIPAC is sending the delegates
    to visit Congress today to 'convince' their Representatives and
    Senators to sign a petition calling for a 'two-state solution.'
    What could go wrong?

    posted by Carl in Jerusalem

    Linkname: Israel Matzav
         URL: http://israelmatzav.blogspot.com/

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