June 04, 2009
Obama, Iran, and Israel
By Richard Baehr
President Obama has in the past few days indicated that Iran certainly has 
reason to develop nuclear energy. After all, they are the world's second 
largest oil exporter.  And he will not set any artificial time frames, by 
the end of which he seeks an Iranian response to his outreach efforts and 
attempt to dialogue with them. He has said he would like to see "progress" 
by the end of the year. That makes sense, I guess, since current estimates 
are that Iran will have completed all the steps to have a nuclear bomb by 
the end of the year.

The latest outreach effort is a notice sent to all our foreign embassies 
and consulate offices  to invite Iranian officials to their hot dogs and 
hamburgers party on July 4th. So carrots and sticks for Iran: carrots in 
the form of pork hot dogs, sticks: well, none yet.

And then there is Israel: Obama and Clinton have laid down their markers: 
no settlement growth of any kind in the West Bank, and maybe in Jerusalem 
as well (the Obama administration has been a bit vaguer on this one), 
though it has stated that Jerusalem must become the capital of a 
Palestinian state.

Prime Minister Netanyahu, recently chosen as Israel's Prime Minister after 
a free election in the only democracy in the region, has said that Israel 
will continue to allow natural growth in existing settlements.  Bibi has 
letters exchanged by former President Bush and former Prime Minister Ariel 
Sharon, suggesting that natural growth of settlements should not  be a 
problem, since the US accepts in these letters that the 1949 armistice 
lines will not be the permanent boundaries of Israel if a peace settlement 
with the Palestinians, were to be achieved   .

Of course Chrysler bondholders can tell Netanyahu how much respect the 
Obama administration has for such legalisms

Obama has now indicated he expects an Israeli response to his demands on 
settlements, meaning they accept his terms (and his legitimacy as Israel's 
sovereign), in 4 to 6 weeks.

So too, the New York Times has hinted that the US may pressure Israel to 
accept its terms on settlements by withdrawing support at the United 
Nations, and no longer blocking resolutions that are unfair and dangerous 
to Israel. The last President who did this was Jimmy Carter.

Given some  mild push-back from a few Jewish Democrats in Congress (this 
tells you they are hearing complaints from their constituents) -- Gary 
Ackerman, Anthony Weiner, Shelley Berkley, and even Obama lapdog Robert 
Wexler, Obama made a brief visit with Ehud Barak yesterday in Washington 
and even smiled, which is allowed in the presence of Israel's Labor party 
leader. Obama even reassured one Jewish group (the Jewish Council of 
Public Affairs) that all is still well in the US Israel relationship, and 
that US policy on settlements is consistent with the roadmap. There are of 
course many parts of the roadmap (some of which call for reciprocal steps 
by both Israel and the Palestinians) that the Palestinians have totally 
ignored and about which Obama seems unconcerned.  To give Obama credit, he 
has asked the Palestinians to "reduce" their incitement level against 
Israel. That "demand" will be pretty easy to comply with (say a 2% 
reduction), all the better to then pressure Israel to meet Obama's total 
(100%) settlement freeze demand.  But hey, I know and you know that Obama 
means well.

So what is behind this madness -- sleepwalking as Iran completes its 
nuclear bomb program, and treating Israel as  the problem child in the 

Increasingly, Obama chief of staff  Rahm Emanuel appears to be 
masterminding the effort to force Israel's hand, or better yet, force 
Netanyahu from office, so as to get a more compliant and fearful Israeli 
leader into the prime minister's office, one who would be ready and 
willing to give away the store for nothing.

Rahm was part of the Clinton administration, which did not get along with 
Netanyahu in Bibi's first term as Prime Minister from 1996 to 1999.   Rahm 
has said of Netanyahu recently, "He is a bullshitter". Respectful, at 
least. Of course, anyone with even a modest understanding of Rahm's 
take-no-prisoners history (how would he really feel about water-boarding 
Bibi?) should not be surprised at the new tough" love" for Israel.  For 
this is the kind of regime change Obama favors -- certainly not getting 
rid of  a mass murderer and enemy of America, (and Israel, and Kuwait, and 
Saudi Arabia) such as Saddam Hussein, but driving from office a freely 
elected leader of a once-strong ally.

I recall in the months after the 2008 election, receiving multiple copies 
of emails listing all the Jewish people with key roles or influence 
appointed by the new administration. Rahm Emanuel led the list. After 
listing all the names, the email asked: "Is this a Cabinet, or a minyan?" 
This is what counts  as humor on the Jewish left. Of course, Rahm is not a 
Cabinet member. But to Jews who love to count the Jews in any audience, 
and feel better with lots of company, this line qualified as touching, 
heartwarming, and rip-snortingly funny.

In reality, Rahm gives cover to Obama's dramatic policy shift towards 
Israel.  That new reality is that Israel is no longer an ally of the 
United States.  It is, rather, an obstacle in the way of better relations 
with the Muslim world, and the Arab nations in particular.  In essence, 
Obama has swallowed the message of "The Israel Lobby", the recent book by 
Professors Steven Walt and John Mearsheimer.

Dennis Ross, a key Obama supporter during the campaign (and also listed on 
the Jewish minyan email as an advisor on Iran today), has a new book 
coming out, which argues that the Israeli Palestinian conflict is not so 
central to all the problems America has in the Muslim world, and certainly 
is not the crux of the issue with Iran. But Rahm, told a few hundred AIPAC 
bill-fold heavies in DC last month that the two issues -- progress on Iran 
(fewer hot dogs will be served without meaningful progress) and progress 
on the Israeli Palestinian track -- are inextricably linked.  And the 
Israeli Palestinian track comes first. And it is Israel that needs to 
offer the big concessions.

Obama has pulled back on Guantanamo, and on releasing torture photos, 
after meeting resistance, and reading the poll numbers on these issues. 
Obama remains popular personally. But many of his policies and new 
initiatives are not. Will he fold on Israel? I doubt it.  And holding out 
hope that this will occur certainly tells you all you need to know about 
Obama and Israel.

Those who shilled for the great leader on his pro-Israel credentials 
during the campaign will have a lot to answer for.

Richard Baehr is chief political correspondent of American Thinker.


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