Hank Roth, on the InterNUT since 1982
Past (post) Commander Jewish War Veterans
* Cryptologist and Voice Security in the White House
and in the War Room for JCS at the Pentagon
   BIO [with pics] http://inyourface.info/bio/


     H O M E - C R Y P T - L I N K S - B I O

                                          Politically Comatose

Is It a Joke?
It Seems Like One

     It would be almost funny if it wasn't so true. Barach Hussein Obama is 
tearing the house
     down. His lies are legend.

     Who doesn't agree with Barack Obama? Barack Obama doesn't. And it is all 
videotape. He
     says one thing to one audience and something else to another audience.

     "Videotapes of debates and speeches that were obtained by The Washington 
Times show that
     Mr. Obama took positions during his Senate campaign on nearly a half-dozen 
issues ranging
     from the Cuba embargo to health care for illegal aliens that conflict with 
statements that
     he has made during his run for the White House." (Jen Haberkorn - Feb 1, 
2008 - The
     Washington Times)

     In the October 30th presidential debate on MSNBC, Obama said he opposed 
     marijuana. But when he was a candidate for the U.S. Senate, he told 
students in
     Illinois on January, 2004, he supported decriminalization saying he 
     criminal penalties for the use or possession of marijuana. It is all on 
video. "I think
     we need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws," Mr. Obama said 
during a debate at
     Northwestern University. "But I'm not somebody who believes in 
of marijuana."

     "When confronted with the statements on the video, Obama's campaign 
     explanations to The Times in less than 24 hours. At first, Obama spokesman 
Tommy Vietor
     said the candidate had "always" supported decriminalizing marijuana, 
suggesting that his
     2004 statement was correct. Then after The Washgington Times posted copies 
of the video on
     its Web site; then his campaign reversed course and declared he does not 
     eliminating criminal penalties for marijuana possession and use." (ibid)

     The Obama spokesperson laid blame for the conflicting statements to 
confusion about the
     meaning of decriminalization. Sure you were confused Barack. That is 
because you were
     caught. BUT most of his supporters are not listening to the facts.

     Who is surprised? My wife told me about this lady she knows, who is 80 
years old and a
     Republican who is voting for Obama because she says the economy is bad and 
she likes the
     way Obama looks. She said, "Obama is such a nice looking young man." AND, 
that is her
     reason for voting for Barack.

     There are the folks who want a redistribution of the wealth. They want 
their share even if
     it means taking it from someone else who worked hard for it. We always 
provide for those in
     "real" need. There is a safety net and it can always be improved, but 
are also
     cheats, those who have lived off the sweat and labor of others. These 
welfare cheats game
     the system. They will support Obama. He speaks for them.

     Then there are those who just want "change and hope" and have not the 
slightest idea what
     Barack Hussein Obama means when he is intentionally vague. There is 
vague about his
     support for Rashid Khalidi, the PLO spokesman who is his personal friend 
and a confidant.

     At a forum on health care in 2003, Obama said he "absolutely" supported 
same benefits
     citizens receive for the children of illegal (undocumented) aliens - 
medical or in-state
     tuition. However, at a CNN debate in January 2008 when asked if his health 
plan also
     covered illegal aliens his answer this time was absolutely NO.

     In 2004 he told students at Southern Illinois University that `I think 
time for us to
     end the embargo with Cuba...It's time for us to acknowledge that that 
particular policy has
     failed.' However, Obama flip flopped again. - and "he stopped short of 
calling for an end
     to the embargo in a Miami Herald op-ed in August. He said he would rely on 
diplomacy, with
     a message that if a post-Fidel Castro government made democratic changes, 
the U.S. `is
     prepared to take steps to normalize relations and ease the embargo.'" 

     And at an NAACP debate in October of 2003 he said he would "vote to 
abolish" the MANDATORY
     MINIMUM sentences. AND, he said: "The mandatory minimums take too much 
discretion away from
     judges," he said. If you then went to his WEBsite (no longer posted), it 
said the opposite.
     It said he would "immediately review sentences to see where we can be 
smarter on crime and
     reduce the ineffective warehousing of nonviolent drug offenders." Another 
Obama Flip-Flop.
     There were many of them and it is no surprise that they all mysteriously 

     He told the AFL-CIO in June 2003" "I happen to be a proponent of a 
single-payer, universal
     health care plan."

     But, as you all know, he does not endorse a single-payer, universal 
MANDATED health care
     plan. He only supports mandates for the kids and the parents will 
have to wait.
     It was Hillary who wanted mandated coverage for EVERYONE - with affordable 
premiums and
     assistance (or FREE) to those who can't pay.

     What does he say now about single-payer universal care?

     "`Senator Obama has always said that single-payer universal care is a good 
idea because it
     would increase efficiency in the system, but the problem is that it's not 
achievable,' Mr.
     Vietor said."

     Unachievable? Is that is why it does work everywhere else? What is 
unachievable is
     substance and change with Barack Obama... The only real change will come 
from a Republican
     administration. The Democrats have been so fixated on Obama redistributing 
income they
     forgot it takes an economy that is working to enable everyone who wants 
economic sanity.

     Obama is an enigma because of his flip-flopping and because he has refused 
to disclose
     vital information about himself. He hasn't even provided a valid birth 
certificate. There
     is something drastically wrong with a system where a candidate can be 
elected president
     without first being vetted, who could not even get a security clearance 
nobody cares.

     It is also laughable that the media repeats the same old false canard that 
Obama is the
     most liberal and progressive candidate. National Journal, a conservative 
magazine, thought
     so. He is far from being a liberal. Universal health care is liberal. 
is not liberal.
     It is more likely that he is the Kenyon (not Manchurian) candidate and 
Democrats are
     drinking the coolaid?

     As if his association with Ayers, Dorhn, Pfleger and 20 year relationship 
with Tony Rezko
     and Rev Wright, et al wasn't enough, the LA Times has a video of Obama 
his friend,
     Rashid Khalidi which demonstrates Barack Hussein Obama's close 
with the
     blatantly anti-Israel Rashid. It should have cost him the Jewish vote but 
the LA Times
     refuses to release it.

     "According an LA Times article written by Peter Wallsten in April, Obama 
was a "friend and
     frequent dinner companion" of Rashid Khalidi, who from 1976 to1982 was 
reportedly a
     director of the official Palestinian press agency, WAFA, which was 
operating in exile from
     Beirut with the PLO." (FOXNews.com - October 28, 2008)

     Those who are not paying attention are not only drinking the coolaid, they 
are so dumb leaf
     mold is smarter than they are. They don't have a clue. You know what I 
mean. They are
     politically comatose.

    Is Michelle proud of America now?

       Hank Roth

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     Permalink: http://inyourface.info/ArT/Gamma/CoM.shtml

     Today is Friday October 09, 2009

                                       G 0 l e m D e s i g n s
                               Hank Roth (on the Internet since 1982)

                           Worm Hole (Home) - The Crypt - Hank Roth (Bio)

     While I don't use a standard blog (weblog software) mostly because I've 
been doing this too
     long - having been there with Ike when the precursor to the Internet, 
Arpanet got started
     and every step of the way since, I can't get into all the many fads over 
the years (now it
     is social networking), but I have been an observer and participant in 
events which shape
     the world since my time with NSA and with Army Security and as a voice 
     cryptologist in the White House for the President, and the War Room at the 
Pentagon for the
     Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff plus two wars. You could say this site is 
one of the better
     kept secrets [grin] on the InterNUT. You are invited back as often as you 
would like to see
     what I and others, I trust, may be saying.
     -- Hank Roth

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