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Obama & His Problem With Ethics & Judgment

    A Reminder That It Isn't Over Yet!

    The NYT described Antoin Rezko as a "collector of politicians", which is 
way he was
    known in Chicago. His office was full of framed photos of politicians he 
and gave
    campaign contributions to and we now know he often let them know there were 
    Political favors were regularly exchanged. It would be no different with 
Obama and Rezko.
    For Obama to deny it is to deny what was known and was common practice with 
Rezko and his
    other collection of political friends of Rezko's money.

    As reported in the New York Times, by Christopher Drew and Mike McIntire 
(June 14, 2007),
    "As Mr. Obama built a career that carried him to the Senate in 2004, Mr. 
Rezko was there
    with him, holding fund-raisers and rallying support."

    "Mr. Obama has portrayed Mr. Rezko as a one-time fund-raiser whom he had 
occasionally seen
    socially. But interviews with more than a dozen political and business 
associates suggest
    that the two men were closer than the senator has indicated." (NYT)

    "Mr. Obama turned to Mr. Rezko for help at several important junctures. 
Records show that
    when Mr. Obama needed cash in the waning days of his losing 2000 
Congressional campaign,
    Mr. Rezko rounded up thousands of dollars from business contacts. In 2003, 
Mr. Rezko helped
    Mr. Obama expand his fund-raising for the Senate primary by being host of a 
dinner at his
    Mediterranean-style home for 150 people, including some whose names have 
since come up in
    the influence scandal." (ibid)

    Cindi Canary, executive director of the Illinois Campaign for Political 
Reform, a
    nonpartisan research group, said vis-a-vis Rezko's fund raising for Obama 
2003 "was a
    little stunning that so late in the game Senator Obama would still have 
    involvement with Rezko."

    "Years earlier, as a state legislator, Mr. Obama wrote letters to city and 
state officials
    supporting efforts by Mr. Rezko and a partner to build apartments for the 
elderly with $14
    million in government money, The Chicago Sun-Times reported in its June 13 
editions. The
    developers received $855,000 in fees." (NYT)

    A blogger who uses the handle, "DemAC" wrote: "So what if Barack Obama 
Tony Rezko.
    Why should we care?" And he goes on to tell us why we should care,

    "The facts are that Barack Obama worked at a politically connected law 
One of the law
    firm's clients was Tony Rezko, a friend to Obama as well as a fundraiser of 
millions of
    dollars for Obama's political campaigns. Tony Rezko, the friend and 
fundraiser for whom
    Obama did legal work, was also a slumlord. When Obama worked at the law 
firm, as well as
    later when he held political office in Illinois, Obama helped Rezko obtain 
massive amounts
    of dollars in subsidies from the government for his housing business via 
Rezko's company
    Rezmar. Neither Rezko, nor his partners in the housing venture, had any 
prior experience in
    the housing field; however Rezko still received tens of millions in 
government money."

    "The facts are that some of the money in government subsidies went to buy 
tenements in
    Obama's state senate district. Rezko treatment of the mainly 
African-American tenants left
    a lot to desire. Rezko provided no heat and no hot water during the 
particularly cold
    winter of 1997. Rezko claimed he did not have money to provide heat and hot 
water to
    Obama's constituents. However Rezko did have enough money to donate to 
Barack Obama."

    "The facts are that, thanks in part to Rezko's fundraising and donations, 
Obama was elected
    to the state senate. State Senator Obama still worked for clients at the 
    including Tony Rezko. State Senator Obama of Illinois, wrote letters of 
support to get
    Rezko/Rezmar millions more in government subsidies." (DemAC)

    "The facts are that Obama, again with the help of Rezko's donations and 
fundraising, was
    elected a U.S. Senator in the fall of 2004. Moving up on the political 
ladder the Obamas
    wanted to buy a big mansion in South Chicago they could not afford. The 
house cost $2.3
    million. Obama made a deal with the owner who agreed to part the lot in 
one lot with
    the house and one lot with the yard, and to sell Obama the house separately 
from the
    house's side yard. Obama purchased the parcel of land with the house at a 
discounted price,
    of $1.65 million. On the very same day, Rezko's wife, bought the side yard 
at full price."

    "The facts are that Michelle and Obama then moved into the house. The yard 
which is owned
    by the Rezkos are not used by them. Instead Obama paid the bills for the 
upkeep of Rezko's
    yard. After the deal, Obama paid for mowing of his front lawn as well as 
REzko's yard. The
    yard that originally was the yard of Obama's house for all practical 
purposes still was."

    "The facts are thus in sum: Obama got a $300,000 discount on the lot on 
which the house
    stood. The yard, purchased by Rita Rezko for the full price of $625,000 the 
Obamas got to
    use for no cost at all. Obama's profit is $925,000. Not a bad deal." (DemAC)

    "The facts are that in the fall of 2006 years of illegal influence peddling 
were catching
    up with Tony Rezko. By late 2006 several news reports indicated a possible 
indictment by
    U.S. prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald (the same Fitzgerald who indicted 
"Scooter" Libby).
    Fitzgerald's case against Rezko includes charges of bribes, kickbacks and 

    "The facts are that Obama himself is not accused by the U.S Prosecutor's 
office of any
    wrong doing whatsoever. However, Tony Rezko is scheduled to stand trial at 
February 25. It
    is reasonable to believe that U.S. Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald will do 
usual thorough
    job. It is therefore also reasonable to believe that for Obama, the media 
coverage of the
    trial will highlight aspects of his life story he does not wish to 
highlight." (DemAC)

It is obvious that Obama has been less than truthful

    Remember, the NYT reported that while Obama implied his relationship with 
Rezko was casual
    and he was only a "one-time fund-raiser" and he only socialized with Rezko 
    that was a bald faced lie. As stated in the NYT, "...interviews with more 
than a dozen
    political and business associates suggest that the two men were closer than 
the senator has

    At the same time Obama was taking money from Rezko in 2004, Rezko was being 
investigated by
    the FBI and was later indicted. It has been pointed out that "an ABC News 
review of
    campaign records shows Rezko, and people connected to him, contributed more 
than $120,000
    to Obama's 2004 campaign for the U.S. Senate, much of it at a time when 
Rezko was the
    target of an FBI investigation."

    There are several issues here besides the fact that he may have less than 
honest intent.
    Everything should be considered, not least of all obama's ethics (lack of) 
and his judgment
    (or lack of). But the media does not seem to be doing it's job. They are 
asking the
    right questions. Obama has been getting a free pass as many thought he 
be as an
    African-American. Political correctness seems to be winning out over good 

      "I am in this race to tell the corporate lobbyists that their days of 
setting the agenda
      in Washington are over. I have done more than any other candidate in this 
race to take
      on lobbyists -- and won. They have not funded my campaign, they will not 
get a job in my
      White House, and they will not drown out the voices of the American 
when I am
      president." -- Barack Obama, Speech in Des Moines, IA, November 10, 2007

    As for those corporate lobbyists not funding his campaigns, what is Rezko, 
besides being a
    corrupt corporate sponsor (and lobbyist)? We know now that Obama has 
received plenty of
    corporate funds - many times more than his Republican opponent in many 
cases. We know now
    also that half of the 500 million dollars collected by Obama came from 
unnamed sources,
    many believed to be Middle Eastern contributors. We know Obama is not who 
what he says
    he is. We know we should not be surprised how this presidency turns.

    * We also know now that one of Obama speakers at his innaugural is linked 
HAMAS: "Obama
    Inaugural Prayer Speaker Heads Up Group (Islamic Society of North America) 
Linked To Hamas"
    - quoting from Jews Against Obama:

      According to terrorism expert Steven Emerson, ISNA "is a radical group 
hiding under a
      false veneer of moderation; convenes annual conferences where Islamist 
militants have
      been given a platform to incite violence and promote hatred, (for 
instance, al Qaeda
      supporter and PLO official Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi was invited to speak at an 
      conference); has held fundraisers for terrorists (after Hamas leader 
Marzook was
      arrested and eventually deported in 1997, ISNA raised money for his 
defense); has
      condemned the U.S. government's post-9/11 seizure of Hamas" and 
Palestinian Islamic
      Jihad's financial assets; and publishes a bi-monthly magazine, Islamic 
Horizons, that
      often champions militant Islamist doctrine."

      Adds Emerson: "I think ISNA has been an umbrella, also a promoter of 
groups that have
      been involved in terrorism. I am not going to accuse the ISNA of being 
directly involved
      in terrorism. I will say ISNA has sponsored extremists, racists, people 
who call for
      Jihad against the United States."

      Emerson further reports that "In September 2002, a full year after the 
9/11 attacks,
      speakers at ISNA's annual conference still refused to acknowledge Bin 
Laden's role in
      the terrorist attacks."

    Hank Roth

    All (if any) quoting per the Fair Use Doctrine
    for educational and discussion purposes pursuant to
    Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, Copyright Law.

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    Today is Friday October 09, 2009

                                      G 0 l e m D e s i g n s
                              Hank Roth (on the Internet since 1982)
                          Worm Hole (Home) - The Crypt - Hank Roth (Bio)

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