Hank Roth, on the InterNUT since 1982
Past (post) Commander Jewish War Veterans
* Cryptologist and Voice Security in the White House
and in the War Room for JCS at the Pentagon
   BIO [with pics] http://inyourface.info/bio/


                                        We Have Only the Moment!

    Bubbling, Boiling Chemicals

     Life Began over 4.5 billion years ago on Earth when it was still a 
spinning mass of molten,
     bubbling, boiling volcanic chemicals.

     A Genealogist traces lineage, but our ancestry doesn't stop with tribe or 
group. Every
     living organism or system of organisms has the same commmon ancestor.

     We all have a last common ancestor which scientists call LUCA. Our common 
descent most
     likely begins with RNA and the first systems were prokaryotes, which we 
call bacteria.

     Combining energy from the sun and energy from asteroids, comets, 
meteorites produced the
     building blocks of organic matter: adenine, thiamine, guanine and 
cytosine. The 4 bases of
     DNA, the spiral helix of deoxyribonucleic acid requires RNA to reproduce. 
However RNA can
     replicate itself and can produce proteins biologists suggest they preceded 
     requires RNA to replicate.

     There never has been a man-built machine as capable as these 
self-maintaining organisms
     "created" in nature - BY NATURE. Some humans call that nature Gaia. Some 
call it God.

     Life in nature can replicate and is self-maintaining. It regenerates until 
it returns back
     to nature from whence it came. We concentrate order and like clock-work, 
about every 21
     days we get a new epithelial lining in our stomachs. The sub-mucosa 
replaces itself about
     every 7 days. In a couple of months we also replace our liver and skin 
     about every six weeks.

     We keep our brain and heart cells which developed before we were born - so 
don't waste
     them; you will never get them back until we perfect some way to 
successfully transplant
     them - not an uncommon idea given the history of scientific innovation.

     Lynn Margulis and Dorian Sagan write in What is Life? "Every year, 
ninety-eight percent of
     the atoms of your body are replaced..."

     This is life as we know it and continues as long as we provide fuel to our 
cells. Margulis
     and Sagan says, "An autopietic entity metabolizes continuously; it 
perpetuates itself
     through chemical activity, the movement of molecules...Autopoiesis, 
indeed, is detectable
     by that incessant life chemistry and energy flow which is metabolism. Only 
cells, organisms
     made of cells, and biospheres made of organisms are autopoietic and can 

    A Canonical Example of an Autopoietic System
    is the Biological Cell

     DNA is not alive. It replicates but it does not metabolize. Cells are 
autopoietic. Only
     cells metabolize; that is, burn fuel and maintain itself. Viruses are not 
autopoietic. They
     don't metabolize either, but they do hijack cells which do.

     90% of our cells are microbial and serve another master. They also serve 
us. They were our
     original ancestors and they are still us. We dare not eradicate them from 
our environment.
     If we did we would not be capable of surviving in our current form. The 
intestines need
     them where they are involved with digestion and disposal of waste, which 
is one of the
     functions of bacteria in our intestines and they help us absorb nutrients 
from the food we
     eat. The digestion system contains the enteric intestinal nervous system 
which is
     considered the First brain before the Second brain was formed, the 
cerebral central nervous

     This SECOND brain works independent of the FIRST (CNS) central nervous 
system. [Excellent
     source: Michael D. Gerson. The Second Brain 1998].

     Food digestion was developed before a CNS brain (also see the flatworm) 
for observation and
     to alert the organism of danger.

     Most bacteria is good. 95% of it as a matter of fact, but some of the 5% 
which is
     pathogenic; that is,
     bad bacteria can kill you.

     Some of these bad bacteria are everywhere. Hospitals are dangerous places 
because of those
     bad germs. MIRSA, antibiotic resistant germs are pervasive. They are in 
the schools, at
     public places, public pools, at beaches, your neighbor's pool.

     There are increasing numbers of water-borne bacteria and illnesses as well 
as medications
     which end up flushed in body waste and pills tossed down a toilet which 
end up in you when
     you drink the water in spite of efforts at neutralizing and filtering them 
out of your
     drinking water. Chlorination will NOT protect from microscopic parasites 
and bacteria. Not
     only do germs become chlorine resistant and thrive in extreme conditions 
those chemicals
     smell bad and irritate skin and eyes. Fecal accidents also lead to disease.

     Cryptosporidium parvum, also known as "crypto" is only one among many 
germs which are
     resistant of efforts to eradicate them and results in illness which can be 
fatal among
     those with already weakened immunity. This germ is often found in swimming 
pools. Sometimes
     swallowing contaminated water will cause illness. Sometimes simple skin 
contact is enough.
     An open wound is especially bad for spreading disease.

     "There is a huge issue getting the public to understand that swimming is a 
communal bathing
     act," Beach said. "There's a lot of mythology out there about swimming 
pools -- you see
     those blue waters and you think it's essentially sterile." (Alex Breitler, 
     (Stockton, CA) - August 21, 2006)

     "Nationwide, 8.3 percent of public swimming pools and 11 percent of spas 
were closed for
     health reasons immediately upon inspection in 2002, the latest year for 
which statistics
     were available." (Breitler)

     BUT without bacteria we would not survive. They need us for their energy 
as much as we need
     them. We are endosymbiotic with bacteria. Most of it is good for you.

    Oxidation, Reproduction, Death, and Bacteria

     For all the differences we all may have on so many things, I think we 
really need to get
     our minds around this one.

     We are not the only intelligence on this planet. Contrary to the 
prevailing view, we are
     not in charge. Destiny is not predetermined and there is no omnipotent 
super power, but
     there is manipulation by prokaryotes, of 22,000 strains of bacteria.

     There are many strains of bacteria but only one species.

     Bacterium are guiding our evolution and is responsible for it and 
nucleated cellular life
     is about to LEAP again.
     Our evolution will be a devolution to a low oxygen earth. The current 
oxygen level is at
     21% from its original 1%.

     All this talk about what we can do by not burning fossil fuels and 
stopping global warming
     is a false hope. Opposing growth which requires a degree of greed and 
self-interest an
     evolved propensity of our nature and essential to our evolution. We're not 
going to stop
     it; we are not capable of stopping our internal nature.

    The Moment is All We Have

     We can rage on about it or we can wake up to the reality of it and can 
even celebrate it.
     We can accept the inevitable and enjoy the moment.

     Perhaps we are rerunning the clock out and this has happened before, over 
and over again?
     Who really wins? What always wins? Prokaryotes win. Oxidative stress and 
aging is
     inevitable. Eukaryotes lose. So let the good times roll!

     Some of you think bigger brains and anti-oxidants will help. Im here to 
tell you, there are
     some advantages to having a bigger brain, but this is not one of them and 
be forewarned,
     anti-oxidants are not the answer either. The answer is to let the good 
times roll.

    IS constituent to life, Reproduction and Death

     Oxidative stress does accumulate as we age but turning it off could be 
worse than the
     accompanying damage it causes. Some now suspect that stress is not only 
necessary, it is a
     good thing. Yes it damages tissue and aging results from free radical 
leakage but oxidative
     stress also triggers responses which may be more of a natural selection 
advantage and there
     are trade-offs which may also be a benefit to reproduction - as are the 
preservation and
     passing on of genes. Thus curtailing free radical leakage with 
antioxidants may be
     counterproductive and may be more damaging then the stress.

     It is a truism that struggle and stress is what makes us stronger and 
those most fit to
     reproduce will endure better. Perhaps oxidative stress tests that fitness? 
But death, which
     is as natural as birth, is a necessary constituent of the reproductive 
     post-reproductive aging, and ultimately our dying, where thereupon our 
constituent parts
     decompose and are consumed by bacteria; returning us all once again to the 
very earth from
     which we arose in the first place.

    We Only Have the Moment!

       Hank Roth

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     Permalink: http://inyourface.info/ArT/Beta/Moment.shtml

     Today is Friday October 09, 2009

                                       G 0 l e m D e s i g n s
                               Hank Roth (on the Internet since 1982)

                           Worm Hole (Home) - The Crypt - Hank Roth (Bio)

     While I don't use a standard blog (weblog software) mostly because I've 
been doing this too
     long - having been there with Ike when the precursor to the Internet, 
Arpanet got started
     and every step of the way since, I can't get into all the many fads over 
the years (now it
     is social networking), but I have been an observer and participant in 
events which shape
     the world since my time with NSA and with Army Security and as a voice 
     cryptologist in the White House for the President, and the War Room at the 
Pentagon for the
     Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff plus two wars. You could say this site is 
one of the better
     kept secrets [grin] on the InterNUT. You are invited back as often as you 
would like to see
     what I and others, I trust, may be saying.
     -- Hank Roth

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