Hank Roth, on the InterNUT since 1982
Past (post) Commander Jewish War Veterans
* Cryptologist and Voice Security in the White House
and in the War Room for JCS at the Pentagon
   BIO [with pics] http://inyourface.info/bio/

Permalink: http://inyourface.info/ArT/Delta/BoD.shtml
H O M E - C R Y P T - L I N K S -  B I O
Where All The Dead Bodies Are Buried
Is The Earth Really Sick?
What Conditions Are Conducive For Life?
    Hank Roth
What do we mean by conditions on the earth conducive to life? Life has
existed on the earth before oxygen supported human and other eukaryotic
life. We have discovered life that not only lives when it is hot, really
hot; and there is no oxygen, but it actually thrives under those extreme

"About 55 million years ago a geological situation released more than a
TERRATON of gaseous carbon and there was a warming where temperatures in
the arctic and temperate regions were elevated 8 degrees C. In the
tropical regions the rise was only around 5 degrees C. To return to
suitable; that is conducive temperatures took over a hundred thousand
years. Another-words, it doesn't take much to push the Earth into a
temperature zone where (most) life can no longer sustain itself."
[Nutrition Reporter - Paleolithic Nutrition: Your Future Is In Your
Dietary Past]

      * Or so says the NutritionReporter.Com - BUT why are they limited
their idea of life to some anthropomorphic human-centric definition? Life
can exist in all kinds of environments, including those which would not
sustain human life.

"Earth has also been changed and unable to HEAL as it once could due to
the extensive land taken for agriculture to feed and shelter the billions
of people which are now inhabiting the planet and the sun has become
hotter so conditions are even less fit for life. As the planet warms MOST
life will die." (ibid)

So, those advancing the theory of Gaia, like James Lovelock and Lynn
Margulis are telling us the Earth has a fever. Fever is not always such a
bad thing. Even us; humans and other life contain within our bodies the
original anaerobic archaebacteria that once lived separately billions of
years ago and still does, billions of years ago and today in hot thermal
deep ocean vents - the oldest life that we have discovered on Earth.

Archaebacteria consumes inorganic chemicals as their nutrition and their
energy and they excrete out oxygen as waste, which is also lethal to
anaerobic organisms. It was this build-up of oxygen which changed the
atmosphere of the Earth, filling it with that toxic gas - because oxygen
is a killer; it is a lethal toxin. AND some of that archaebacteria evolved
a fitness wall around them to protect against the lethality of oxygen. It
was this same lethal oxygen gas which formed a shield against the
dangerous ultraviolet rays of the sun which made possible the survival of
bacteria which emerged from water and from mineral deposits and which then
proliferated all over the Earth. It was that archaebacteria and that
bacteria which formed endosymbiotic relationships with eukaryotic cellular
organisms which eventually led to complex life and humans - and other
complex multicellular animals and plants.

The Earth's atmosphere was changed by the oxygen waste of archaebacteria
from its very low oxygen of about 1% to it's current level of about 21%.
The consequence of this change has been all forms of life on the planet,
including ocean or marine life forms, plants, animals, humans, fungi but
will climate change not turn the atmosphere back to a low oxygen state and
cause the extinction of complex multicellular life to what it was before.
Will bacteria again survive on Earth in a free independent state. Will
anaerobic bacteria survive again on the Earth as they once did?

If you traced your ancestry all the way back it would be those anaerobic
bacteria which are your earliest ancestors and they will survive even and
WHEN humans do not.
Are We Running Out Of Dead Bodies?

How quick does life bounce back once it extinguishes itself? There is an
evolutionary "speed limit" and life does appear to come back. It has
before but bio-diversity recovers slowly relative to our measure of time
in human terms, but perhaps not so long in evolutionary and earth time.
But it does appear to come back; to rerun and some times even to repeat
itself. Time recapitulates. Even extinction is not always forever.

Obviously, extinction is forever as far as we are concerned; as far as the
"self" is concerned. Our importance is only as important as we make it.
Life itself is an ongoing process. As we define life it may not be, but
life reconstitutes itself from the atoms which it is made from, from star
stuff and from fusion of hydrogen, from super novas and other upheavals
which is the real generator of change and autopoiesis.

And there has been millions of years of life on this planet. There has
been continuous bust outs of life after extinctions with an emergence of
new organisms.

A National Science Foundation (NSF) funded study by Dr James Kirchner from
the University of California at Berkeley which appeared in the journal
Nature which suggested that the bounce back or recovery from a massive
extinction would take longer than it would take for our species to
recover. Our species would be gone forever. That point doesn't have ANY
impact on me one way or another. Why the fuck would I care? Do you?

OK, so when didn't we know the bio-diversity would be slow to recover
after an extinction?

That out of the way, I have to tell you, I have heard it said so much by
reputable scientists and even Skeptic Mag editor Shermer has been
hammering the same view, that they may be right and we may be wrong about
global warming being caused solely by human activity, though it most
assuredly is influenced by human activity but to what extent? I'm not
saying by looking at things from a conservatives position on other things
will make the world all-of-a-sudden look exactly the opposite from where
it was before but it does add a degree of honesty to the conversation to
take a new look at all of these things once in awhile. AND human
activities may not even be a major factor in global warming or climate
changing as rapidly as it is. AND something else; what if, there are more
carbon deposits than the point raised by O-Bambi in the first debate with
McCain that the U.S., which uses 25% of the world's resources - as so
often touted by the left - that we are not just looking at 3% which Barack
O-Bambi claims we have and therefore more drilling makes no sense but
deposits of far more? I think there must be more carbon. Otherwise, what
happened to it? We are carbon based organisms and there is a lot of dead
bodies still buried in mother Earth - a lot more than has been so far
recovered as carbon based fossil fuel.

      Hank Roth


Excerpts provided here are pursuant to the Fair Use Doctrine
for educational and discussion purposes per
Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, Copyright Law.
Permalink: http://inyourface.info/ArT/Delta/BoD.shtml

Today is Saturday January 02, 2010

G 0 l e m D e s i g n s
Hank Roth (on the Internet since 1982)
Worm Hole (Home) - The Crypt - Hank Roth (Bio)

While I don't use a standard blog (weblog software) mostly because I've
been doing this too long - having been there with Ike when the precursor
to the Internet, Arpanet got started and every step of the way since, I
can't get into all the many fads over the years (now it is social
networking), but I have been an observer and participant in events which
shape the world since my time with NSA and with Army Security and as a
voice security cryptologist in the White House for the President, and the
War Room at the Pentagon for the Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff plus two
wars. You could say this site is one of the better kept secrets [grin] on
the InterNUT. You are invited back as often as you would like to see what
I and others, I trust, may be saying.
-- Hank Roth
[viewed 4072 times]

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Hank Roth

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