(See the link for images and read the entire website for additional 
details... HR)

Earth's Axis Tilt

An additional 26 degree increase in the tilt
        B 26d_increase_AxialTilt.jpg (131161 bytes)

Normal 23.5 degree tilt

49.5 degree tilt

click images to enlarge

An axial shift is a difficult concept for most people to wrap their minds 
around. One too many disaster movies and most people, including a lot of 
scientists, believe such a dramatic shift in the angle of the tilt would 
be accompanied by Global destruction and disasters. Not true. This shift 
is about a 2000 mile shift which leaves us 2000 miles further to the south 
during the summer and 2000 miles farther to the north during the winter. 
Spring and Fall would be at the same positions. Most people forget that 
the Earth is about 25,000 miles in circumference, thus as the Earth 
rotates on its axis, the entire planet turns just over 1042 miles every 
hour and turns 25,000 miles every 24 hours. No global calamities, no 
destruction.... none of us can feel our planet turning 1042 miles every 
hour, so why would you believe that you could notice a 2000 mile shift? 
And if we are not having global disasters from our hourly 1000 mile 
rotation... then why would you think there would be global upheavals from 
a 2000 mile shift? Yes, there are signs and effects from this shift, but 
not in such a dramatic calamity. The changes are there but much more 
sedate than the doomsday believers might expect. And shifts like these are 
not unusual to our planet. There are numerous documentaries which describe 
how Earth's axis has tipped over in past millennia when previous meltdowns 
of the polar ice caps occurred creating a shift in the axis.

As the polar ice continues to melt, the weight distribution of the planet 
begins to change.  Since the diameter of the Earth is larger at the 
equator, the weight of the planet is also heavier at the equator, so as 
the ice melts at the poles, the water levels equalize and rise in an even 
weight distribution which leaves less weight at the poles and more at the 
planet's midsection based on girth. The more ice that melts, the less 
weight at the poles and the planet begins to shift toward the heaviest 
section at the bottom.

What happens if you take a rubber ball and add a metal strip around the 
mid section to make it heavier... then float the ball in water? The heavy 
point will be on the bottom, so the planet will continue to rotate, but it 
will do so on it's side.

Since the ice does not melt in a day, the slippage in the axis will occur 
in moderate amounts. Not all at once, but some shifts will be more 
significant than others until the entire polar ice has been completely 
melted and the planet ends up laying on its side. The focus on this page 
is the shift which has already occurred.

However, according to an Aug 2007 report on CNN, world scientists have 
estimated total polar meltdown by 2020. This date also coincides with the 
US Gov't estimate that there will be a global water shortage in 2020. 
Since a full meltdown will raise sea levels by 297 ft (20 stories), a lot 
of water tables and water sources will be contaminated. Not only by sea 
water, but by the contamination which will mix with the water as it covers 
the cities, factories and chemical plants. So, it is interesting that both 
have fixated on the same year.

Some scientists believe the meltdown could occur 5 years sooner. From what 
I have seen of the current condition of the polar regions and the rate of 
melting, I believe we could see a total meltdown by 2013. The first week 
of July 2008, CNN reported that world scientists expected a complete 
melting of the arctic by Sept 2008. Right now, the gov't is limiting 
access to current satellite imagery of the polar regions. Most of the 
images are dated 1999 and earlier. For those images later than 1999, they 
have all been censored or modified to block the view. Why would the images 
be kept from the public... unless there is something they don't want you 
to see.

Unfortunately, most people will be in denial until the water starts 
lapping at their doorstep... and then they will all cry for someone else 
to do something about it. People are their own worst enemies. They refuse 
to listen to scientific data, attack anyone who does not share their 
opinion and then they want everyone else to fix their problems that they 
had refused to acknowledge. And when they get desperate, these will be the 
people who will prey on and victimize those who planned ahead. It would 
seem to me that everyone should start planning ahead to take care of their 
own needs and stop attacking those people who are trying to help them 
understand what is happening to our planet.

The info shown on this site is courtesy NASA, USGS, NOAA, NWS, SOHO and 
your American Tax dollars which fund them.


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