No, its not some kind of deviant gorillas in the mist story, apparently, 
millions of years ago our ancestors picked up pubic lice (crabs) either by 
sleeping in gorilla nests (without the gorilla) or through eating our 
silver-backed cousins. David Reed and colleagues at the University of 
Florida publish details of their findings today in BMC Biology journal.

Reed is quick to point out that there was no monkey business between 
gorillas and humans. Of course gorillas are apes not monkeys, but this 
would be a perfect story for Ricky Gervais podcast star Karl Pilkington. 
It certainly wouldnt have to be what many people are going to immediately 
assume it might have been, and that is sexual intercourse occurring 
between humans and gorillas, Reed says, Instead of something sordid, it 
could easily have stemmed from an activity that was considerably more 

Reed suggests that 3.3 million years ago, gorilla lice took up residence 
in the pubic region in our ancestors, this was probably around the same 
time that evolution took us from a fully hirsute state to our current 
nakedness. With no hair on our bodies other than the head and pubic 
regions, the lice would have been hard pushed to linger anywhere else.

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