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Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 19:41:20 -0600 (CST)
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Subject: [wormhole] Is it worth the risk?

  Hank Roth, on the InterNUT since 1982
Past (post) Commander Jewish War Veterans
* Cryptologist and Voice Security in the White House
and in the War Room for JCS at the Pentagon
   BIO [with pics] http://inyourface.info/bio/


And is it worth the risk?

It depends. How much do we value wisdom? What risk is worth knowing the
answers to our existence? Answers beyond that which is known about
evolutionary survival and reproduction - what life means besides our
simple will to live until we die? We have learned a lot in the last few
centuries and acquired knowledge exponentially in the last couple of
decades. Do we stop now? I don't know that we can.


H O M E - C R Y P T -  B I O
Inevitable Consequences?
The Large Hadron Collider
      and Due Diligence

There is little doubt if the LHC does all that it is supposed to do and
strange particles including the Higgs boson are discovered it will be a
giant step forward in our understanding of the cosmos. For all that we do
know about the universe there is so very much more we do not understand.
The test/detector results from the this SUPER-collider will be great and
will be extraordinarily exciting. CERN has looked at all of the
consequences and most scientists DO NOT expect a catastrophe. But, some (a
disproportionate few) do.

Some have suggested that cosmic rays bombard the earth and us constantly
and we're still here. Protons traveling around in the LHC 11,000 loops in
a second - will be over 99% the speed of light. Nothing gets much faster.
When protons smash into each other at that speed - close to the speed
limit of matter.
What will be the best or the worst outcome?

The consequences of these collisions may be mini black holes. Tiny black
holes grow into very large black holes. There is an accretion disk around
a black hole just before the event horizon where visible matter is being
sucked into the black hole pulled toward the holes center, its

If the Big Bang is a correct theory the universe which some say is
infinite began as very tiny (too small to see) microscopic no-width and
no-height dense energy and has been expanding practically ever since.
There is a black hole in the middle of every galaxy and some of them are
millions of times more massive than our SUN and they continue to grow in
size - called (gravitational) accretion. No one has ever seen nor detected
one on Earth before but that may change then they crank up the LHC.

      "One potential method of destruction OF THE PLANET is that the LHC
will create tiny black holes that could swallow everything in their path
including the planet. In 2002, (physicist) Roberto Casadio at the
Universita di Bologna in Italy and a few pals reassured the world that
this was not possible because the black holes would decay before they got
the chance to do any damage." (lhc-black-holes at physics arXiv blog)

The traditional wisdom, an impossible concept in science by the way, HAS
BEEN that any black holes created by these proton collisions would decay
before they swallow the Earth. Well, now - after thinking about it for
several years there are more and more physicists who are having second
thoughts about mini-black hole decay. They are saying now, what if the
decay does not keep pace with the mBH's (mini-black holes) growth? The
point is, they really don't know.

Casadio has also changed his mind. He no longer reassure us that black
holes will decay faster than they grow. I think we're in deep do do now.

      "...there is no such thing as "rest" within the center of the Earth:
the temperature is 7000 K; the density is 13,000 kg per cubic meter. And,
after all, temperature is just an epiphenomenon of moving
particles......." (Read this at arXiv.org: "Hole Growth in the Warped
Brane-World Scenario at the LHC")

      "....the effective velocity that an mBH feels while at "rest" within
the Earth's core is equivalent to an mBH traveling at just less than the
escape velocity of the Earth...." (IBID-arXiv.org)

black hole) and thus there is a NET (kilogram scale) growth of the black
hole - out-pacing its decay.

What would Albert Einstein say? He didn't work on the Atom bomb because he
was opposed to war and he was opposed to potential catastrophic
devastation from a nuclear fission. He warned of the possibility of a
flash-fire of the Earth's atmosphere and a nuclear chain reaction.

Here we go again: Nobody knows for sure what will happen when the LHC is
turned on and they start smashing particles of protons at full energy. One
thing is for sure: Testing under these conditions may be fine. But it may
not be. Is this due diligence?
And is it worth the risk?

It depends. How much do we value wisdom? What risk is worth knowing the
answers to our existence? Answers beyond that which is known about
evolutionary survival and reproduction - what life means besides our
simple will to live until we die? We have learned a lot in the last few
centuries and acquired knowledge exponentially in the last couple of
decades. Do we stop now? I don't know that we can.

How can unfeeling particles give rise to feeling organisms, like us; like
other animals - with perception - with emotions - and sentience? I can't
help but feel, as I have for as long as I can remember thinking about
these things, that life is a cruel joke - to have to endure the pain which
accompanies it - and happiness when we think we have it - is ephemeral and
most often it eludes us. We spend lifetimes trying to define and find it.
Then we die.

Major extinctions have wiped out whole species to where what is left is a
small fraction of the fittest until the next upheaval, whether it is
climatic or a celestial impact or we just kill ourselves by disregarding
the obvious truth of our own nature.

Why are we here? Dorion Sagan (son of Carl) tells us (in one of his many
books about life and death). In Notes From the Holocene, he writes that
the the most searched for questions in the Chinese search engine Baidu is
"Why are we are alive?" I learned from Dorion's work more about
thermodynamics than I was ever taught in school (he wrote an entire book
on the subject) - and from my understanding of thermodynamics I know our
constituent parts recycle themselves but it appears what is lost is the
essence of life, our consciousness [or the Chinese may say conscience]
although some day we may have the technology to upload it into a computer
- unless that is what we already are, computers or a modeling program on
some extraterrestrial or alien computing system.

Dorion writes: "The very substance of our bodies comes from and will
return to the biosphere when we die."

We will disappear; maybe when they turn on the Large Hadron Collider - (or
maybe not?) - but major extinction events are common.

>From Origins.org: "The classical "Big Five" mass extinctions identified by
Raup and Sepkoski (1982) are widely agreed upon as some of the most
significant: End Ordovician, Late Devonian, End Permian, End Triassic, and
End Cretaceous."

And now, we are in the Holocene extinction period. Climate is changing. We
will likely not adapt nor be able to alter it in time to have it remain
suitable for life as we know it.

These and a selection of other extinction events are outlined below:

(Origins Quote)

         1. 488 million years ago a series of mass extinctions at the
Cambrian-Ordovician transition (the Cambrian-Ordovician extinction events)
eliminated many brachiopods and conodonts and severely reduced the number
of trilobite species.

         2. 444 million years ago at the Ordovician-Silurian transition two
Ordovician-Silurian extinction events occurred, and together these are
ranked by many scientists as the second largest of the five major
extinctions in Earth's history in terms of percentage of genera that went

         3. 360 million years ago near the Devonian-Carboniferous transition
(the Late Devonian extinction) a prolonged series of extinctions led to
the elimination of about 70% of all species. This was not a sudden event
the period of decline lasted perhaps as long as 20 million years, and
there is evidence for a series of extinction pulses within this period.

         4. 251 million years ago at the Permian-Triassic transition Earth's
worst mass extinction (the P/Tr or Permian-Triassic extinction event)
killed 53% of marine families, 84% of marine genera, about 96% of all
marine species and an estimated 70% of land species (including plants,
insects, and vertebrate animals). The "Great Dying" had enormous
evolutionary significance: on land it ended the dominance of the
mammal-like reptiles and created the opportunity for archosaurs and then
dinosaurs to become the dominant land vertebrates; in the seas the
percentage of animals that were sessile dropped from 67% to 50%. The whole
of the late Permian was a difficult time for at least marine life - even
before the "Great Dying", the diagram shows a late-Permian level of
extinction large enough to qualify for inclusion in the "Big Five".

         5. 200 million years ago at the Triassic-Jurassic transition (the
Triassic-Jurassic extinction event) about 20% of all marine families as
well as most non-dinosaurian archosaurs, most therapsids, and the last of
the large amphibians were eliminated. 6. 65 million years ago at the
Cretaceous-Paleogene transition (the K/T or Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction
event) about 50% of all species became extinct. It has great significance
for humans because it ended the reign of the dinosaurs and opened the way
for mammals to become the dominant land vertebrates; and in the seas it
reduced the percentage of sessile animals again, to about 33%. The K/T
extinction was rather uneven some groups of organisms became extinct, some
suffered heavy losses and some appear to have got off relatively lightly.

         6. Present day the Holocene extinction event. A 1998 survey by the
American Museum of Natural History found that 70% of biologists view the
present era as part of a mass extinction event, possibly one of the
fastest ever. Some, such as E. O. Wilson of Harvard University, predict
that man's destruction of the biosphere could cause the extinction of
one-half of all species in the next 100 years. Research and conservation
efforts, such as the IUCN's annual "Red List" of threatened species, all
point to an ongoing period of enhanced extinction, though some offer much
lower rates and hence longer time scales before the onset of catastrophic
damage. The extinction of many megafauna near the end of the most recent
ice age is also sometimes considered a part of the Holocene extinction

          (END Quote)

      Our Solar System is middle aged - and there remains about another 5
billion years of life left in our Earth unless an impact smashes it to
pieces or a super collider does it first.

      Dorion Sagan: "That Earth is a giant living being, perhaps a
superior-organism as far beyond us as we are beyond our constituent
      Jumping Into the Unknown

          Stevie Smith in TheTechHerald.com wrote -2009-):


      Could LHC black holes still carry an Earthly threat?

      New claims concerning the controversial Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
particle accelerator have this week suggested that microscopic black holes
created by the gigantic atom-smashing machine could, contrary to official
safety reports, will not vanish quite as quickly as they form.

      Moreover, a group of physicists have scrutinized the mathematic
processes involved in operating the 27-kilometer ringed accelerator and
determined that any resulting black holes will not simply disappear from
existence a mere millisecond after being created, which is the line LHC
scientists are holding to.

      According to Roberto Casadio of the University of Bologna in Italy and
Sergio Fabi and Benjamin Harms of the University of Alabama in the United
States, miniscule black holes spawned by the collider could exist for up
to a second or longer.

      The physicists believe this length of time, an eternity when it comes
to particle physics, could then potentially allow the black holes to
struggle for growth increase as opposed to merely decaying in an instant a
struggle the teams theoretical model shows they ultimately would not win.

      While Casadio, Fabi and Harms concede that planet-threatening growth
is highly unlikely, with any created black holes passing harmlessly beyond
the atmosphere before disappearing completely, they have offered that
current safety claims are inaccurate.

      We conclude that the growth of black holes to catastrophic size does
not seem possible, they outlined through a paper posted to scientific
discussion forum ArXiv.org. Nonetheless, it remains true that the expected
decay times are much longer than is typically predicted by other models.

      The European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN) team behind the LHC
particle accelerator, which is buried deep under the Swiss/French border,
is hoping the mighty machine will enable them to re-create, study, and
understand conditions in the universe at the very point of its creation.

      The Large Hadron Collider, the worlds largest particle accelerator,
suffered a mechanical failure when it was officially fired up in the
latter half of 2008. Following a frustrating period of repair, CERN
scientists are expected to resume smashing protons at velocities
approaching the speed of light this coming spring.


      **** Remarks from SaneScienceOrg ****


      Zealous, jealous, Nobel Prize hungry Physicists are racing each other
and stopping at nothing to try to find the supposed 'Higgs Boson'(aka God)
Particle, among others, and are risking nothing less than the annihilation
of the Earth and all Life in endless experiments hoping to prove a theory
when urgent tangible problems face the planet. The European Organization
for Nuclear Research(CERN) Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's most
powerful atom smasher that will soon be firing groups of billions of heavy
subatomic particles at each other at nearly the speed of light to create
Miniature Big Bangs producing Micro Black Holes, Strangelets, AntiMatter
and other potentially cataclysmic phenomena as described below.

      Particle physicists have run out of ideas and are at a dead end
forcing them to take reckless chances with more and more powerful and
costly machines to create new and never-seen-before, unstable and unknown
matter while Astrophysicists, on the other hand, are advancing science and
knowledge on a daily basis making new discoveries in these same areas by
observing the universe, not experimenting with it and with your life.
Einstein used Astronomy to prove his landmark general theory of relativity
that, ironically, describes, among other things, the Black Holes which the
LHC is designed to produce at the hoped for rate of one per second.

      The LHC is a dangerous gamble as CERN physicist Alvaro De Rjula in the
BBC LHC documentary, 'The Six Billion Dollar Experiment', incredibly
admits quote, 'Will we find the Higgs particle at the LHC? That, of
course, is the question. And the answer is, science is what we do when we
don't know what we're doing.' And CERN spokesmodel Brian Cox follows with
this stunning quote, 'the LHC is certainly, by far, the biggest jump into
the unknown.'

      The CERN-LHC website Mainpage itself states: 'There are many theories
as to what will result from these collisions,...' Again, this is because
they truly don't know what's going to happen. They are experimenting with
forces they don't understand to obtain results they can't comprehend. If
you think like most people do that 'They must know what they're doing' you
could not be more wrong. Some people think similarly about medical Dr.s
but consider this by way of comparison and example from JAMA: 'A recent
Institute of Medicine report quoted rates estimating that medical errors
kill between 44,000 and 98,000 people a year in US hospitals.' The second
part of the CERN quote reads '...but what's for sure is that a brave new
world of physics will emerge from the new accelerator,...' A molecularly
changed or Black Hole consumed Lifeless World? The end of the quote reads
'...as knowledge in particle physics goes on to describe the workings of
the Universe.' These experiments to date have so far produced infinitely
more questions than answers but there isn't a particle physicist alive who
wouldn't gladly trade his life to glimpse the 'God particle', and
sacrifice the rest of us with him. Reason and common sense will tell you
that the risks far outweigh any potential(as CERN physicists themselves
say) benefits.

      This quote from National Geographic, 'The hunt for the God particle',
exactly sums this 'science' up: 'If all goes right, matter will be
transformed by the violent collisions into wads of energy, which will in
turn condense back into various intriguing types of particles, some of
them never seen before. That's the essence of experimental particle
physics: 'You smash stuff together and see what other stuff comes out.'


      -- From The Tech Herald

      What do you suppose will happen?

      The speed of light is exactly 299,792,458 meters per second. At LHC,
protons will smash into each other at 299,792,454.9 meters per second,
99.99999898% the speed of light, Assume all that energy produces black
holes. Suppose as protons smash into each other they produce millions of
black holes and they all MERGE. Suppose also that Hawking evaporation,
which is just as THEORY is false. What do you suppose will happen next?
          Hank Roth
      e-mail: epsi...@inyourface.info

      Related Content

      All quoting per the Fair Use Doctrine
      for educational and discussion purposes pursuant to
      Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, Copyright Law.


      Permalink: http://inyourface.info/ArT/Sci/DiL.shtml

      Today is Wednesday January 27, 2010
      G 0 l e m D e s i g n s
      Hank Roth (on the Internet since 1982)

      While I don't use a standard blog (weblog software) mostly because
I've been doing this too long - having been there with Ike when the
precursor to the Internet, Arpanet got started and every step of the way
since, I can't get into all the many fads over the years (now it is social
networking), but I have been an observer and participant in events which
shape the world since my time with NSA and with Army Security and as a
voice security cryptologist in the White House for the President, and the
War Room at the Pentagon for the Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff plus two
wars. You could say this site is one of the better kept secrets [grin] on
the InterNUT. You are invited back as often as you would like to see what
I and others, I trust, may be saying.
      -- Hank Roth
      [viewed 21 times]

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